How To Begin Your Network Marketing Business
By Bill Fletcher
So your’re interested in beginning a Network Marketing Business or you have a Network Marketing Business and not having the success you think you should have. Let’s begin with a question….
A MLM Distributor sent the following in recently blog post. See if it sounds familiar…
“I’m really serious about the success of my network marketing business and I’m willing to work to reach my goals. I know that success does not come without effort. My problem is that I don’t feel as if my upline cares about my business, my goals or interests. I have tried to contact my upline for help but they have been unresponsive and I don’t feel as if they care about me”.
“What can I do to get support? Should I find another sponsor or another company altogether”?
Dissatisfied Network Marketers
I understand how you feel. Been there! In fact I would bet that most of the people who read this blog post do as well. Statistics tell us that about 75% of those involved in network marketing are dissatisfied with their upline. The majority of those have not heard from their sponsor since joining. Nor have they received any coaching, training or direction. Most MLM sponsors simply say “read the information booklets that come with your kit, or go on to the company web site”. Remember, in many cases your sponsor doesn’t know how to coach you or give direction. They may be new and their upline is not giving them support.
I think that’s sad and wrong but it does not have to be the end of your business.
Building your business is up to you, not your sponsor not even those who you sponsor. This is your business and your business alone. Success or failure is up to you not your sponsor. With that said, there is a lot you can learn from their lack of leadership and you can certainly see how you can do so much better with your own organization.
Changing Your Sponsor Or Company
It may be tempting to think about finding another sponsor or finding another company. You have that option, but will it really solve your problem? A lot of MLM people think that changing companies or sponsor will solve all the problems only to find themselves with same issues. In the end the statistics tell us the truth: the odds are that changing will NOT make a difference.
Why? Because your focusing on the wrong thing.
The only thing that will build your business is you! You putting into action your marketing plan, contacting prospects in an effective manner and doing it consistently. Having an upline to hold your hand is nice but it’s not necessary for success. And it could be they be directing you in the wrong direction.
My Lead System Pro To The Rescue
Through My Lead System Pro or MLSP you can learn how to effectively sponsor 5 or more people per month using a process that is as natural as talking with a friend. Learning how to use the social media, effective prospecting, inviting prospect to see your opportunity. It’s not magic and you won’t see results overnight. But you will see results quickly. All it takes is to learn some basic skills that will allow you to prospect without manipulating or coming off like some sales stereotype. Begin developing your skills, learning how to avoid mistakes and follow some of the top network marketers on how they began and became successful.
One recommendation I make for My Lead System Pro members is to do the basic “start-up” videos. Follow this up with the “step-by-step” videos. Then study any of the hundreds of videos. If you do all this your success is almost guarantee. In this videos you’ll learn to put an end to your frustration and that you can succeed in spite of having an AWOL sponsor while you avoid becoming one yourself.
In the end, leadership is everyone’s business and the most important leader in your business is you. If you don’t take that to heart, no one else will be able to help you no matter how successful they are.
Changing companies or sponsor is not recommended unless you are totally frustrated with one or the other or both. Just remember, the success is up to you. No mater what you do, keep MLSP at your side and you will succeed in any network marketing business.
Here’s to your success,