Five Steps To Staying Motivated

Staying motivated is so very important when operating a business.  It is more important in a Home Based Business or if your in Network Marketing.  WHY?

Motivation is literally the desire to do things. It’s the difference between waking up before dawn to pound the pavement and lazing around the house all day. It’s the crucial element in setting and attaining goals—and research shows you can influence your own levels of motivation and self-control. So figure out what you want, power through the pain period, and start being who you want to be.  Motivation Psychology

When operating a Network Marketing Business, you can become less motivated.  Network Marketing is a tough business…not hard…tough.  Most people you talk to will not join your MLM Business.  That Okay.  It’s not ment for everyone. However most people who first join Network Marketing are told to talk to anyone who has a “pulse.”  Once the reality sets in that not everyone will join the motivation begins to fade.  Big mistake.

Network Marketing or MLM is a great Home Business capable of making money.  Run you business as a BUSINESS and you will find that it really is a fun and enjoyable business that can provide you with a good income.

You just need to stay motivated and never ever quit.

Five Steps to Staying Motivated

customers satisfied

Stay Motivated

Motivating yourself to excel at your job or to be an example to your MLM Down-line, should not be something you do only when the spirit moves you.  It’s an ongoing process that should include every facet of your business life. This means your mental attitude, physical well-being and appearance, work atmosphere, your interaction with others (clients and employees alike), and your off-the-job environment.

Motivational experts get paid big bucks to tell professionals, striving for success, that they must constantly examine these factors.  How do you do that?  Follow the 5 Steps To Stay Motivated in this article.  As you follow the 5 Steps you will soon find and see a change in the way to do business.

Before beginning, Zig Ziglar told me one day in Dallas, “Your job in Network Marketing is to get as many NO’s as possible.”  “If someone says YES to your business opportunity…it does not count.”

Ray Higdon will say the same thing.  Your job is to get NO’s.  When you get a no you are doing your job.

Now the 5 Steps To Staying Motivated

1.  Maintain a Positive Attitude – Let’s realize that life is only 10% of what happens to us and 90% how we react to it.  We’re responsible to our own actions and attitudes, and changing them when appropriate.  When you’re around people/things that are uplifting and positive, you feel that way.  You have more confidence in yourself, and know you can change whatever needs changing. One of the best aspects of Network Marketing is that you are surrounded by positive people building a future for themselves.  Negative people will only bring you down.

2.  Leave Personal Troubles At Home –  Everyone has problems some times in their lives.  That is just the nature of living.  Motivated people don’t bring that to their team members.  Look at any great Networker Marketer, they are positive, enjoyable and instill confidence.  Keep your attention and energy entirely to your day-to-day efforts.  This will actually be good for you because you’ll get a mental break from any issues you maybe experiencing.

3.  Create Positive Affirmations –  The reason for writing goals for your Home Based Business is the same as creating positive affirmations on paper.  What your eyes see and ears hear, your mind will believe.  Try it!  After you’ve written them down, read them aloud – and do it every morning.  You’ll be amazed at what happens.  Come up with a new ones every month.  Statements such as, “I know I’ll make good use of my time today.”  Repeating them out loud everyday at a set time will help reinforce positive actions.  Personal:  I have a personal statement I read in the morning.  I then say it again when I am ready to visit with someone.  My statement is the point and it keeps me on target.   “WIN”

4.  Make Sure To Take Break Times – This is an area where most entrepreneurs fall down.  You become so intense about the project or situation you’re working on that you don’t ease up.  Thinking that it’ll be solved in the next few seconds, and then you’ll get a cup of coffee can lead you right up to quitting time.  Regularly adhering to a specified break schedules to releases the tension.  If you work on a computer this is even a greater problem because before you realize it – you’ve been working in that same position for hours.  The best answer to this is to set yourself a reminder on your appointment calendar for every 2 hours, and let the computer reminder chime send you the alert to move around.  Personal: I take a 20 min break every 2 hours.  At noon, I take a 1 hour break.

5.  Exercise, Then Exercise – I know that lately it seems that “exercise” is the cure-all to every physical ailment.  Known fact is that, exercise does help create energy and blood flow.  By “exercise” I don’t mean that you should go out and join a gym and spend your lunch-time, 3-days-a-week there working out.  What is really beneficial and workable is that at those chiming alerts from your computer, get up and walk around.  I go outside and get the mail.  I may walk to the corner and back.

If you’re an entrepreneur that has a home office, go to the kitchen and get a glass of water.  Look outdoor or step out on the porch for a few minutes, or just get up and do a few stretches.  Concentrated, tense thinking – typing – plotting plans – or whatever your work, makes all those muscles tighten up and knot up.  Then when we move we “ouch” because we’ve knotted up into a ball of tension.  Periodic stretching, even at our desk, or just getting up and walking over to the window and getting a different view can help.

One of the greatest disservice modern business décor has done to us, is making our offices pristine, sleek, unencumbered spaces.  There is nothing more relaxing than getting up from your desk and walking over to a peaceful, serene, seascape or pastoral painting and just drinking it in visually.  Momentarily transporting your mind out of work and into that place does wonders.

These 5 Steps To Staying Motivated works for the person who is working from home or even at a job.  It is easy, it works and after a a few days it will become a habit and your energy will peak.  As a side benefit, you will grow mentally, be less fatigue and your team will soon began to copy you.  Believe me it does work.

It only takes a little concentrated effort on your part to keep motivated and productive, which leads to success.  I know you’re going to hate hearing this, but it’s true anyway – and that is, “All things are possible if only you believe.”

Stay motivated my friend,Bill Fletcher



About The Author


Bill Fletcher is a marketing professional and Business Coach. My goal is to help anyone who is interested in building a home base business through a systematic approach to success. Planning-4-Success will guide you with the help of some of the best coaching program available anywhere. We train you with the best professional in all categories of business building and success management.