Here Are 3 Tips To Building Your MLM Business

When people start their own home-based business, the one thing they’re most afraid of is the moment when they finally have to go out and present the business opportunity to strangers.

When I say strangers that also means presenting the opportunity to friends and family.  While this is easier, it is also one of the gut retching parts of network marketing.

Now while I agree with starting out with friends and family, I will tell you that this your “Training” ground. It is easy way to start “practicing” but friends and family will not build your business, in most cases.

Your home based business will be built on people you have not met yet!

One of the problems most network marketers make in the beginning is going about it without the proper tools and strategies and finding themselves suffering much more than they have to.

With the proper training, almost anyone can experience some MLM recruiting success. In fact, it’s reached the point now where for many people it is one of the least painful processes of building a home based business.

If your struggling with your MLM business, it could possibly be that you have not been properly trained.  That’s no fault of your sponsor or the MLM Company.  They maybe using “old school” marketing.

 Bill FletcherLet’s take a closer look at how to reduce the pain and help build your home-based business

Here Are 3 Tips To Building Your MLM Business and Reduce The Pain

1. Say less to More People.

2. Manage the Energy.

3. Don’t be addicted to the outcome.

1)  One issue many network marketers make is Talking Too Much.  Now I will say that I am guilty with that problem.  I tend to tell my prospect “Everything.”

“The products do this or do that and I have done this or that and people who use the products do this or do that and the company is debt free with great people leading the company and my sponsor has been in the business for just a few months and is making good money and we are a growing MLM Company and the compensation plan is the best in the industry and you will like the company…do you have a questions for me or about the company or the products or about the compensation plan or the various levels of the business?.”

That was me a few years ago.  When finished,  I looked at my prospect, their mouth was open, eyes wide and staring showing no emotion….Stund!!

Stund with my  talk

Stund with my talk

Today when I meet a new prospect, it’s more of an interview.  I want to know more about them.  By knowing what they want, what they are looking for and more important…do they want to make some part-time money?

I don’t talk about my business opportunity, the products or compensation until there is an actual interest.  Then they have to prove to me that they will work with me and follow what I say until they are ready to go out on their own.

Now if your struggling take a good look at how you approach people.  Remember, this is your business and you are the CEO of that business.  You only want WINNERS.  Hiring just anyone will cause you time and frustration.

2)  When you started your home-based business you were full of energy.  With me I couldn’t sleep.  I saw a way to make money in my spare time.  I was like a new kid with a new bike.  I want to go everywhere and do it all in one day.

Over time my energy began to decline.  My new recruits and prospects saw a less than excited person.  In fact my presentations were non emotional.  “Join me in my business or not…I don’t care” was the attitude that came across.

My recruits also saw a lack of energy.  That was the decline of my business opportunity.  People dropped out and prospects were not motivated.  I was not the “Leader they were looking for.”

Today my energy is one of “mature” excitement.  “I have a good business and I know it attitude.  I can help you with your business or I can get you started with your very own home-based business.  I am here to help and coach you.”

This is my attitude today.  More even, more excited but not to the point of “pushing someone in to a business opportunity they don’t want.”

3)  I see a lot of network marketers get addicted to a predicted outcome.  My predicted outcome was that everyone will join my MLM business.  That simply was not the results.  And until I realized that, I was disappointed.

Many network marketers will made a great presentation and the person did not join.  Walking away, they feel rejected, depressed and “I just wasted my time,” attitude.

First off, your prospect did not reject you!  They rejected the opportunity.  Maybe it was not for them or they just didn’t have enough information to make a decision.

Don’t feel depressed.  If so, you just allowed someone else to control your emotions.  It was the prospect that should be depressed because they were presented a good business opportunity and they “Passed It Up.”

For wasting my time:  Not everyone is going to join your or my business opportunity.  I gained experience and I learned from every presentation I make.  I never waste my time.

Network Marketing Has Changed

Old school marketing was taught to talk to everyone or what we use to call the “3 foot rule.”  Anyone within 3 feet is a prospect.  Your list of 100 people, neighbor, postman, high school or college friends, clerks, friends and family is old school marketing.

Network Marketing Recruiting has drastically changed.  Today there is no need to approach a cold market with your fingers crossed.  Can imagine how uncomfortable and awkward it is to be the person who invited a bunch of friends over

Good presentation on the advantages of Network Marketing

Good presentation on the advantages of Network Marketing

only to lose them in the hour it takes to present a business opportunity.

This happened to me:  I invited 8 people to see my business opportunity.  Seven showed up.  After a stellar presentation 5 left and 2 stayed only because I had offered snacks.

Ultimately, it’s your ability to get comfortable with network marketing prospecting, that will lead you to being successful and doing a ton of MLM sponsoring.

How is this done?  I have adopted a recruiting strategy called Attraction Marketing.

Using the power of Attraction Marketing, my whole way of sponsoring as well as locating qualified leads has changed.  Instead of me finding people, I have people find me.

That’s Attraction Marketing.

If you are struggling with your MLM Business or network marketing business or if you are just getting started in a home based business, take a deep breath, relax and take a good look at how you are trying to recruit new leads.

This network marketing business is a great way to earn money.  Stop trying to recruit “everyone” and only target those who are interested.  How do you do that?

Attraction Marketing.

Below is a Button that will get you this powerful strategy.  Get your copy and start seeing success in your business.

Here is to your success in network marketing.

Bill Fletcher







PS:  did you recruit 10 people in your business this week?  Many did and many used the power of Attraction Marketing.  A copy of Attraction Marketing is waiting for you.  Simply click on the BANNER below.  You will get a 10-Day Recruiting Bootcamp FREE.  Click The BANNER.


About The Author


Bill Fletcher is a marketing professional and Business Coach. My goal is to help anyone who is interested in building a home base business through a systematic approach to success. Planning-4-Success will guide you with the help of some of the best coaching program available anywhere. We train you with the best professional in all categories of business building and success management.