So Why Do People Buy – But Hate Being Sold??



So why do people buy?

It’s the “golden question” that every business owner and network marketer should know the answer to.  “So Why Do People Buy – But Hate Being Sold??”

There’s obviously more than one, but let’s talk about one of the main reasons why people buy.

Before I tell you what it is, let me talk to you about something we sometimes forget, especially when we set up our marketing messages and crank out our campaigns. You may get so excited about your own product, or whatever you’re promoting, that you forget this fact:

People do NOT want to be sold!!

They don’t want anybody to come into their lives and sell them anything.

On the other hand, though…

Everyone likes to buy


The reason this is the case is because when we feel we’re being sold to, we feel like we have no control over the situation; we feel like we’re being manipulated. This is why most people don’t like to deal with salespeople.

You may like to because you’re in sales and marketing, but most of the population doesn’t like to talk with salespeople.

Think about when you walk into a store and a salesperson comes up to you and says, “Hi, can I help you?” Your immediate response is, No thanks, I’m just looking.

That’s an instant response; you don’t even think about it.

Even if you are interested in something, most of the time you’ll still say, “No thank you, I’m just looking.” We don’t want to be put in that situation where somebody is going to influence us or try to sell us something.

On the other hand, we all like to buy because when we look at something, and we get excited about it, and we decide to buy it, we feel we’re in control of the situation. That’s the flip side of the coin.


How do you get people excited about buying?

How do you make people feel they’re in control of the situation, and are not being sold to?

That is the challenge. People want to do business with those who are real, and they don’t want to do business with those who are insincere or not authentic.

It happens in every industry, but especially in the online marketing industry, or network marketing business where there is so much hype and so much stuff that looks fake, and people are simply turned off by it.

True Story:  I have friend who is alway knocking at my door trying to recruit me.  Emails every day, invitations to conferences calls, stopping me in the yard to promote the business opportunity.

You need to understand that people are skeptical when they are approached and or look at your capture pages and your offers.

Even though they want what you have to offer, they’re still skeptical.


Because they’ve been burned before and they don’t want to be burned again. We all can understand that and relate to it because we’ve all been in that situation. We have been “pressured” by sales people selling everything from insurance, cars, water filters, warranties and the list goes on.  Telecommuters who call at dinner time.  We’ve all been burned by something or someone, so we all have that inner skeptic within us when we’re looking for something. You need to understand that.

So how do you turn that skepticism off and get people to like you and trust you?

Basically you do it by making yourself real and authentic.


This is the real reason why people will buy from you.

They will buy from you if they like and trust you….Period.

They will NOT buy from you if they don’t like and trust you….Period

It’s that simple.

Your goal, then, is to create that unshakable trust, to build rapport with your list, with your audience, with your prospects, and do this as quickly as humanly possible.

It’s not going to happen in an instant. It’s not going to happen with a magic phrase, with a headline, with a bullet point, even with compelling copy.

You can do certain things in your copy to build that trust, but it’s not going to happen instantaneously. Trust takes time. Think about the people in your life that you like and trust. It took time for you to develop that; it didn’t happen instantaneously.

Your goal is to create trust.

I’ll give you an example. Back when I was selling face to face in direct sales, it was a lot easier, because I would walk into the house and have that conversation. You can create that trust pretty quickly because you’re there talking face to face. You can ask them questions and you can read their body language and develop some common ground.

When you do it online, it takes much longer.  You don’t have that Face-to-Face experience.  The looking in the eyes, the hand shake, the smile and the body language.

What’s the best way to do it? In my opinion, it’s with…

Email marketing.

Emails allow you to consistently communicate with your prospects and over time create that relationship and start developing that trust.  I also believe firmly in a good Blog.  A blog that can help, advise, offer solutions to problems and entertain. Your Blog will identify you as knowledgable and leadership.  This is what many people look for in making connections with someone new.

Now, just because you’re sending emails, that doesn’t mean that people are going to read them. Just because they read some, that doesn’t mean they’re going to take action, or that you’re going to build any kind of relationship with them.

You have to write your emails in a certain way to get people interested and excited about reading them.

daily-dose-of-awesomeListen to this 15 minute recording below to get some critical points on how to do just that:

The Secret To Reducing Skepticism In Your Prospects — Vitaly Grinblat  This is a huge topic, so there is no way we can cover it all here, but read on and I’m going to give you some basic points as a guideline…

#1 Write To One Person


The first thing you want to understand about writing emails is that you are writing to ONE person.

They need to feel like they’re just talking to you, or that you’re just talking to them.

Even though the email you’re writing is going to a list of hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of people, you’re still writing to that one person, and they need to feel that.

#2 Create a Conversation


The second concept is creating personal conversations, and you do that through conversational writing. Your email is basically a conversation that you’re having with that one person.

To help you write an email in that tone, imagine that you’re sitting across a table or a living room from that person. Imagine that person sitting there, and imagine you’re having a conversation with them.

This is very, very important.

If you write like you’re writing an English paper for your high school English teacher to grade,nobody will be interested in reading that, because it’s going to sound fake.

You’re not writing a novel, you’re not writing a book, you’re having a conversation.

If you look at the emails that I write, they break all the rules of writing, and they have quite a few grammatical errors in them. That is on purpose; I do it because it makes it sound real. It makes it sound like I’m a real human being, because that’s how people talk.

Write like you talk.

#3 Forget The Pitch Fest


The third point is, you can’t just be pitching in your emails. Every single one of us is on so many lists, and so many of them do nothing but pitch and try to sell us something. There is nothing wrong with selling—we are in a field of business—but if all you do in your email is sell, people will get turned off by that.

If you do it once or twice, or if you do it now and again, that’s okay. But if you do it every single day, would you look forward to opening an email every single day that just simply pitches something and adds zero value to your life?

If you know the subject is always going to be another sale, or some other “hyped up” email about a system that makes money, will you keep reading or unsubscribe?

If every email is a pitch, you will lose your readership very, very quickly.

Your emails cannot be just all sales and pitches. I don’t know what the percentage is, but I would say at least 80%, maybe even 85% of the emails that I write don’t sound like a pitch or a sales presentation.

However, if you look at every single one of them, they always have a link that either leads to a product offer, or to a blog post, and within that blog post, there is an offer.

We’re always selling something, it’s just that we approach it in a different way.

#4 Inform + Entertain


Which leads me to my fourth point, you sell through infotainment—you’re entertaining people coupled with information.

Why? Because we like to be entertained!

This is why we watch movies and TV. We watch shows, we follow sports; we want entertainment.

In fact, we crave entertainment.

It is a desire, a need we all have:

We must be entertained!

This is why people who say they are “busy” will get on Facebook. They notice a video or some picture and they click on it, and the next thing you know they’re surfing through it for 15 or 20 minutes, because the desire to be entertained is on a subconscious level.

When you send out something that is entertaining, you’re almost guaranteed readership. If people are just clicking out of curiosity, that’s not the point; you want your emails to actually provoke their curiosity.

You want to put something out there that grabs their interest, that intrigues them. Couple that with entertainment and information, and you will have a great email.

Curiosity + Intrigue + Entertainment + Information = Great Email!

The absolute best way to do that is with stories.

Most of the emails that I write contain some kind of story. When I say stories, I’m not talking about writing a book or a script for a movie. We’re not talking about long-winded stories.

If your stories are long winded, work to make them shorter, because nobody is going to sit there and read very long emails unless they’re extremely engaged. Some people will be, but for the most part they won’t, so tell short stories.

Use Your Life As Inspiration


The reason stories work so well is because we’re hardwired to pay attention to stories. One example that I always like to use is an email I wrote a few years ago. The subject line was…

“Eggs and Salmon All Over my Garage.”

It was this quick story about a friends dog getting into the refrigerator in the garage and he got to the eggs and salmon. He opened the door and saw cracked eggs, egg shells, and yolks dripping down from the top shelf of the refrigerator and some salmon laying around.

It was an entertaining story, but the point of it was that a dog is a dog. It’s a dog’s nature that if he sees food, he’s going to go after it.

There’s also human nature, and just like a dog is going to be a dog, people are people, and if you want to sell to people, you’d better understand human nature, and I tied that into a copywriting product.

What can your stories be about? Your stories can be about your family, they can be about your kids, your pets, your neighbors, your relatives; just everyday stuff.

Literally, the stuff that happens to you every day – find ways to write that into your emails.

It is a skill that is going to take some time to develop. You’re not just going to sit down in the beginning and immediately write a blockbuster email that’s going to engage everybody.

But if you do it every single day, and if you practice, just like you practice anything else in life, you will get good at it, and you will start seeing results.

Take The Challenge

I want to challenge you to start writing for the next 30 days.

If you want to take up this challenge for the next 30 days, write an email every single day to your list.

I don’t care how big your list is, or how small your list is, or even if you don’t have a list, just write it and save it on your computer. If you start building your list, if you don’t have a list already, then you can start using those for your autoresponder when you build your list.

Write one every single day.

Take 30 minutes, or maybe it will take you an hour, I don’t know. In the beginning it will be longer, but it will get to a point where you can do it very quickly.

Write one every single day for the next 30 days, and watch as your skill of writing emails improves, so will your results!

And, if you’d like a shortcut to maximizing your email marketing effectiveness, pick up our 100% free 5 Email Profit Triggers report, where we reveal our proven email marketing secrets to create cash on demand.

You’ll discover how to quickly implement five specific email marketing strategies that near-instantly create rapport, build trust, and convert your prospects into customers today!

Until next time,

Bill Fletcher







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About The Author


Bill Fletcher is a marketing professional and Business Coach. My goal is to help anyone who is interested in building a home base business through a systematic approach to success. Planning-4-Success will guide you with the help of some of the best coaching program available anywhere. We train you with the best professional in all categories of business building and success management.