Network Marketing An Open Discussion

Network Marketing An Open Discussion

You know, a lot of people think this industry is about networking, prospecting, marketing, or a whole slew of other things we do to build our business…and that is 50% true.

But there’s another 50% to this industry that REALLY flies over most people’s heads. They may know it intellectually…but they don’t REALLY get how important it is.  And what I’m
talking about is your MINDSET.

Or in other words…the level of ‘Internal’ development that has occurred within you…that will allow you to create success much easier.

You see, as most of us figure out…being an entrepreneur is NOT an easy thing to do. It takes REAL commitment. Real patience. Real endurance.  And a fire inside that can NOT be extinguished no matter what.

The people who develop these qualities within themselves are able to attract others to them far easier. They are able to SOLVE PROBLEMS without getting down and out. They are
able to persist through obstacles and find the information they REALLY NEED to take their business to the next level.

They can do all these things because of the WORK they have done on the inside…that allows them to bulldoze through adversity and stop at nothing to create success.

You see, successful people are PROBLEM SOLVERS. Successful people know how to FIND SOLUTIONS. We all have problems, it’s no mystery. There are things that we all have to figure out.

But the successful people are the ones who STOP AT NOTHING to figure it all out! This may be learning how to generate an endless supply of prospects to consistently build your business

Or it may be figuring out why you’re so darn afraid every time you pick up the phone to call a new lead that just came in.

The point is…if we’re not developing the qualities, traits, and behaviors that it ACTUALLY takes to be successful…we are going to have a much harder time actually doing it!

Success doesn’t just float into most peoples laps. It’s something that is deserved. It’s the result of the MASSIVE work you do both inside and outside. And when those two factors are
in alignment…it is FAR easier to build ANY business. Network marketing included.

So here’s my advice today, observe just ONE limitation you currently see within yourself or about your business.

Observe just one thing that is holding you back, or causing you not to achieve the success you KNOW you can create. And then take an action step towards DEFUSING that limitation or
solving that certain problem in your business.

Do this enough…and on a consistent basis…and you will soon find you’re growing leaps and bounds both financially and within!  And to me…the latter always comes first.

There is truly a never ending amount we can grow and achieve if we really want it.

Here’s to your success,
Bill Fletcher

P.S. Get access to the secret strategies I use on a daily basis that puts me HEAD AND SHOULDERS above most network marketers… In Fact, I use this support system everyday to build my success in Network Marketing.

PPS:  Thanks to Jonathan Budd for the article.

About The Author


Bill Fletcher is a marketing professional and Business Coach. My goal is to help anyone who is interested in building a home base business through a systematic approach to success. Planning-4-Success will guide you with the help of some of the best coaching program available anywhere. We train you with the best professional in all categories of business building and success management.