How Can I Make Money With Affiliate Marketing?

How Can I Make Money With Affiliate Marketing?

By Bill Fletcher

This is only one of a series of articles on Affiliate Marketing and How To Make Money.  Look for other articles in this Blog site for great tips and advice.

Here is a clarification on any Marketing programs such as Network Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, MLM and even a Brick and Mortar business.

There is NO easy money and there are NO magical tips.  Any business will work but only if you work the business.  There is NO such thing as “getting rich overnight.”   If you’re  after easy money, get rich quick programs.. then this article is not for you.  However, In a series of article I will help you understand how to operate a Home Based Business or Work From Home Program.  But again, any business will take time, focus, work and education.

This article will cover the following:

  • What is affiliate marketing and the different types of affiliate marketing.
  • The advantages of being an affiliate marketer.
  • Some tips and good practices to become a successful affiliate marketer.
  • My personal recommendation.

The question now is: “can you really make money from affiliate programs?”

My answer is NO!  Shocked?

Many Affiliate Marketers jump into Affiliate Programs with the thought that the money will just roll in.  They think that by starting their business on a Monday that by Tuesday or even Wednesday they will be making money.  When this done not happen, by Thursday, they’re disappointed and my Saturday, they quit.

Affiliate Marketing depends on other factors that only you can bring forth.  Your level of commitment, focus, education, time and the proper program or product/s you’re offering.  Also who is the Affiliate Company?  That is very important.  What is their track record, management, do they have a product or service in demand and is the pricing in line with the buying public, what is their wiliness to support you?

So as you can tell by the statements “jumping into Affiliate Marketing should be a due diligent investigation.”

What is Affiliate Marketing?

According to Wikipedia “Affiliate marketing is a marketing practice in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought about by the affiliate’s marketing efforts”

What this says is, you are the affiliate member.  You will be rewarded when you help the Affiliate Company sell a product or service.  Your reward is in the form of a Commission.

Here’s an example, you promote a Facebook Training Course (product).  Someone sees your promotion and purchased the product from the Affiliate Company.  You will now earn a commission.

Affiliate marketing is by far one of the quickest, easier and cheapest ways to start making money online.  Why?  All you have to do is to promote the products.  You don’t have to create, ship or inventory the product.  You simply link up a buyer and a seller and you take a commission on the sale that has been referred by you.

Why You Should Become An Affiliate Marketer?

Affiliate marketing is considered to be one of the world’s fastest growing and best internet marketing techniques to earn real money online.

  • Cost effective: Marketing on the internet is fast, easy and inexpensive.  No product to produce. No employees.  Low overhead.
  •  Global Market: Online marketing gives you the opportunity to reach people all over the world.
  • No Storage or Shipping:  This is taken care of by the seller.
  • No customer support:  The Seller does that for you.
  • Passive income:  Some Affiliate Companies offer a Passive Income.  This means that you sell a product once but earn income as long as the buyer stays with the Affiliate Company.  Affiliate marketing can create a steady flow of income even when you are not in front of your computer.
  • Work from home: If you make enough money then you don’t have to worry about going to work at the same time every day or getting stuck in traffic. You can work in the comfort of your own home.

How To Becoming a Successful Affiliate Marketer

Benefits of becoming an Affiliate Marketer can be very rewarding.  But as mentioned takes commitment, focus and time.  You will not become rich overnight and to be honest, some marketers won’t make any money or very little.

However, Affiliate Marketing is definitely an excellent way to make money online. In order to be successful in Affiliate marketing you need to know the market needs, learn how to promote products, what works and what doesn’t. You need a product that is in High Demand.  You will want to have an Affiliate Company that offers support and coaching.

Later I will have a suggestion on such a Company.

The following are a few tips on becoming successful in affiliate marketing that I have found over time.

1. Choose Only Good Products In High Demand

The first mistake many affiliate marketers make is that they register with too many different affiliate programs and try to promote everything. Pursuing too many programs down this path can become overwhelming. All you need in order to be successful is a handful of good high demand products to promote.  You will want to align your product/s based on your Wesite or Blog topics.

2. Promote Products From Various Traffic Sources

Most affiliate marketers put up ads only on their Website or Blog post.  Now while this is a good strategy and one that I personally use, there are other ways to drive traffic .  The more targeted traffic you can send to the sales page the more your chances are of making money. Google Adwords can be used to drive targeted traffic to your sales page. You simply make an ad in your adwords account then use your affiliate link in the target page URL of the ad.

Obviously, you will have to continuously measure the conversions and see if the campaign cost is less than the campaign profit in order to keep the campaign running but I am sure you get the idea. One of the most effective ways to get “Targeted Traffic” is Facebook.

However, to be good at Facebook marketing, you need some good training and coaching.  Why?  Facebook is continually changing.  Doing it wrong can be expensive and you could be “taken down” if you promote wrong.  Again, stay with me as I have a suggestion on how to avoid these Facebook mistakes. Don’t forget Twitter, YouTube and a host of other social media platforms.

3. Test, Measure and Track Your Affiliate Campaign

It is a good idea to use different product promotion strategies so you can figure out what is working and what is not.  I highly suggest you do split testing and measure the performance of each campaign then take actions accordingly. Changing a few things here and there can increase your profit dramatically. Make sure to place the banner ads on different areas of your site’s pages. Some positions will make the ads more noticeable than others. Again, Facebook is a good source of tracking successful campaigns.

4. Research the Demand of the Product

If you try to sell a product that is in low demand then chances are that you are not going to get many sales no matter how hard you try. So it is a good idea to spend a bit of time researching and finding out if a product that you are thinking of promoting is a product that your audience needs. More on this important topic later.

5. Choose the Right Merchant

Here is where I will make a suggestion on a viable Affiliate Company that needs serious consideration.

When you promote a product you also promote the company who is behind the product so choose wisely. The last thing you want is an unhappy customer.  This can hurt your credibility and future sales. You need a high demand product, reputable Affiliate Company, excellent support, coaching, training, a staff that will sell products for you so all you do is drive traffic to them.  You will want a High Commission so that you can make money.

And you want a total package that you can rely on year after year.  If you find this company you will want to stick with them by promoting their products.

6. My Recommendation

I have looked at many Affiliate Programs and Affiliate Companies.  I purchased products to see the quality of material, support and return policies.  I have joined four Affiliate Companies and each made promises that they could not meet.  I asked for training and coaching to help market their product and while I got training it was not to my liking.

What I am saying here is that I struggled with these companies.  I promoted the product with very little success because the price was too high, follow-up was lacking and the product itself was low quality.

After a long search and many failures, I came across an Affiliate Company with well known high demand products.  Personal coaching.  Great commission structure.  A management team that are professional in Affiliate Marketing and a CEO who is top in the field of Affiliate Marketing.

Take a serious look at Elite Marketing Pro and see for yourself how they put together a “full package” that almost guarantees success. Don’t just hope and pray that you can be successful, align yourself with Elite Marketing Pro follow their advice, don’t waver in the personal coaching and watch your business grow.


I hope you got some good information in this article.  Remember, there are other articles in this Blog dealing with Affiliate Marketing, Home Based Business, How To Make Money, tips and advice.

Final thoughts,  If you think that visitors will click on your affiliate links and buy just because you placed dozens of affiliate links on your Website or Blog then you are wrong! You need to have a structured well designed plan in place.

Affiliate marketing is a business, you will have a much better chance of succeeding if you treat it like one, have a good product line, support and a company that will sell for you thereby freeing you up to do the marketing.

I’m sure I haven’t covered everything.

Take a closer look at Elite Marketing Pro, the management, products and mainly the support. If you’re like me you will see the value of joining and becoming an Affiliate.



PS:  How Can I Make Money With Affiliate Marketing?  If your an Affiliate Marketer and not making any money you need to see how Elite Marketing Pro can help you.  If you’re a struggling marketer, you need to see how Elite Marketing Pro can help you.  If your looking for a way to make serious money as an Affiliate Marketer…you difently need to review what Elite Marketing Pro has to offer. Click here to see what Elite Marketing Pro is all

About The Author


Bill Fletcher is a marketing professional and Business Coach. My goal is to help anyone who is interested in building a home base business through a systematic approach to success. Planning-4-Success will guide you with the help of some of the best coaching program available anywhere. We train you with the best professional in all categories of business building and success management.