Author Archives: Bill

3 Steps to Making Your New Year’s Resolutions Successful!

Tweet It’s that time again! Time to make a new years resolution.  Here are 3 steps to making your new year’s resolution successful! If you’re anything like most folks, January 1st always brings big aspirations about what’s possible the coming year. Maybe you’ll… Hit the gym and lose 15 pounds? Quit smoking, TV, or carbs?…

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What Are the 4 Types of AI?

Tweet Introduction The term artificial intelligence describes a field in computer science that refers to computers or machines being able to simulate human intelligence to perform tasks or solve problems. Within our lifetimes, artificial intelligence (AI) will have altered our world more significantly and faster than any other technology since the discovery of electricity. New…

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How Can I Make Money Blogging?

Tweet Introduction I have been blogging since 2003 and have over 1,500 blog post.  My first blogs were really bad.  Over time they began to get better.  Now with over 1,500 blog post I sometime get asked “How can I make money with blogging?” Making a blog post is really easy, however making money with…

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How To Find The Secret Success Expert

Tweet The secret to success or how to find the secret to success is to find an expert. The expert is the real secret to your success. How do you find that expert? It’s not easy.  The expert maybe your neighbor, a friend, someone you work with or a stranger you meet by accident. Experts…

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How To Succeed In Network Marketing As A Professional

Tweet Introduction In this article I’ll discuss the topic of how to succeed in network marketing using some basic ideas but powerful when put to use. Success in any business is difficult.  Success in network market is probably more difficult because most people approach the business not as a business but as a way to…

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If You Could Pass ONE Book To Someone What Would That Book Be?

Tweet I read a ton of books every year. As the title says, “If you could pass one book to someone, what would that book be?” There are so many good books. What is your favorite book? Fiction Nonfiction Biography Sicence Fiction Mystery Self Help Educational Personal Development In stead of reading do you like…

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7 Fundamental Skills To Network Marketing

Tweet Introduction What are the 7 Fundamental Skills To Network Marketing or Let’s Put It Another Way…What is The Fastest Path To $10,000…$20,000…$50,000 and even $100,00 A Year. Network marketing is a fun and profitable business if you follow the 7 Fundamental Skills.  In addition to the 7 Skills, you must learn from your mistakes. …

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