Do You Have An Herbalife Business?

Yes, congratulation for choosing one of the top network marketing companies.

No, then why not?  Herbalife has some of the best products, best leadership and is one of the most known of all MLM companies.

Now the question is…how are you doing in your Herbalife business?  When was the last time you recruited a distributor. How many times have you been told NO? Don’t know where to go for leads.  Is your friends and family now talking to you or have you found that they avoid you? How is the “drop-out” rate?  Have you lost customers and constantly replacing them?


Good news, It’s Not Your Fault!!

Yes it’s a great MLM company, no question there.  But one of the biggest problems is the recruiting of new prospects.  If you don’t have a line of prospects waiting to talk to you could be in trouble.  Would you like to have 25 to 50 or more qualified prospects per month waiting for you to sign them up?  And next month another 25 to 50, and next month another 25 to 50.  How would that change your business and your life?

Dream With Me.

You get up at the crack of noon if you like or… you take the kids to school in the morning, come home and have a cup of coffee maybe visit with the neighbors, then walk to you Home Office and begin to build your business.  At noon you stop to have lunch.  Next, go meet a new prospect at Starbucks, sign them up, stop by the mail box and pick-up a check for several hundreds of dollars and go get the kids at school.  You come home, help with homework, have dinner and then spend an hour with your business again.  Now it’s time to relax, so you jump in the Hot Tub…Wow what a day.  Tomorrow you decide to take the day off and reward yourself with your favorite thing to do.  It’s summer and you made a decision to take a month off from your home based business and travel.  Where?  That’s up to you.  While you were gone your MLM business grew and you are making more money now than when you left.

Sounds great doesn’t it?  A dream or reality?  For many in network marketing it is reality!  It can happen to you to.

Does That Describe You?

If not, as I said…It’s Not Your Fault!  It’s how you were taught to build your Herbalife Business. How do I know?  I was an Herbalife distributor for many years and struggled.

Today, I have people asking me to join my business.  And tomorrow I will have more waiting for me to sign them up.  What changed?  ME and the way I do my MLM business.  I don’t ask people to join me, I show them what I have and if they don’t join my business, I still make money.  It’s a win-win for both of us.

It’s now your turn to build your Herbalife business or any other network business the correct way, the easy way and even if they turn you down you can still make money.  INTERESTED?

Watch this > 60 minute video  < from an expert in building any home based business or network marketing business.  Get the information you need to take the next step to success.

Here is the FREE Webinar I want you to watch.  Click Here.

Before you do, close the door and take notes.

Again, here is the link I want you to watch. Click Here.


Here’s to your success.

More Leads, More Profit, More Freedom

About The Author


Bill Fletcher is a marketing professional and Business Coach. My goal is to help anyone who is interested in building a home base business through a systematic approach to success. Planning-4-Success will guide you with the help of some of the best coaching program available anywhere. We train you with the best professional in all categories of business building and success management.