Marketing Your Business To The Social Networks

Marketing Your Business To The Social Networks

By | Bill Fletcher

DSCF1120-Copy1.jpgIf you have, or plan on having, a website that is used to generate a steady income, you will need to learn how to use social media marketing to your advantage. It’s a powerful and popular method for exposing your business and attracting customers over time.

It’s always a great idea to research any type of campaign or strategy you’re going with. Social media constantly changes, and you don’t want to miss the boat on anything new. Tools and options differ between sites. Perhaps one particular site reaches a majority of people and so is a worthwhile recipient of most of your efforts.

TIP! To increase your marketing clout, link your blog to LinkedIn. You open up a lot of possibilities quick when you add a LinkedIn button for sharing at the top of a blog.

Sign up for a Yahoo account so you can use Yahoo Answers. This is a site where users log in and post their burning questions. Other users then post answers. Provide useful answers to questions about your products, focusing on demonstrating your expertise rather than trying to sell. You could quickly become an expert by providing quality answers, in a particular category.

Tweepi and Twellow can help you find the Twitter follower lists that are the most significant in your business’s niche. This type of software can detect which lists are attracting the most attention, and can also inform you who is running the list. You will then be able to submit a message requesting they add you to their lists.

Contests and giveaways are a proven strategy for pulling people to your product on Facebook. It will be easy to give company products as the prizes to the winners of the giveaway or contest. This serves as both a way to give something back to your customers to reward their loyalty, and a way to market your product.

TIP! When you are creating a tweet, writing a blog or making a post on Facebook, make sure to create inviting titles to attract clicks. When titles and headlines hook readers, you are going to notice people go where you ask them.

Take note of what hour of each day that you see the highest number of responses and retweets regarding your account on Twitter. Use what you learn from that to figure out when to send out messages. Subscribe to messaging services that will automate the times that your tweets go out, taking advantage of the most popular time periods.

Social Media

You can utilize social media sites as an avenue for both market research for new product launches and to get customer feedback on your existing offerings. Most people who use social media enjoy the opportunity to share their favorite products, opinions and ideas with others. They will offer insight into what they need and want, and it’s free to you.

TIP! Social media is an effective way to expand your exposure online. Business also benefits when customers share product reviews and other information with their friends and contacts.

Try to spark some enthusiasm among potential buyers for your upcoming promotions and events through the use of social media. If you are going to release a new product in July, let your Facebook and Twitter followers know in March. At launch time, you will have an audience waiting in anticipation for the items that you have described.

Social media can have incredibly positive consequences for your business; before you know it, your customer list will grow by leaps and bounds. It you do it right and you are offering a good product, you will continue to draw customers who will tell their friends and neighbors.

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About The Author


Bill Fletcher is a marketing professional and Business Coach. My goal is to help anyone who is interested in building a home base business through a systematic approach to success. Planning-4-Success will guide you with the help of some of the best coaching program available anywhere. We train you with the best professional in all categories of business building and success management.