Can You Bounce Back From Failure?

Tweet So the question is “Can You Bounce Back From Failure?” And of course you and I both know You Can! In fact we all have failed at something:  skating, bicycle, skiing, class room, marriages, business, Network Marketing, investments, sports, and I can go on and on.   Failure is not a failure if we…

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7 Reasons Why We Fail

Tweet As any successful person will honestly admit, failure happens, and we’ve all had our fair share of it. But from each failure, we learn two equally valuable lessons. One, that there was at least one reason we failed; Two, that we can rebound from that failure. So, why do we fail? And how do we fix it?…

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Why Some People Fail and Others Succeed

Tweet I recently found this article by Jim Rohn.  “Why Some People Fail and Others Succeed.”  I’ve often wondered myself why.  Reading Jim’s article tend to shine some light on this question. Here is Jim Rohn’s article on Why Some People Fail and Others Succeed.  I hope you enjoy. What if we converted our dreams…

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Only 6 Steps to Plan Your Success

Tweet Our success are only as good as our plan. If we plan to will happen. If we plan to fail…that will also happen. If we start the process of change by developing a Success Plan, by doing something different this year than we did the last year, it won’t matter how small those…

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Where Do You See Yourself in 10 Years?

Tweet Here is a good question to ask yourself: Where are you going?  Ten years from now you will surely arrive. The question is, where? We don’t want to kid ourselves about where; we don’t want to kid ourselves about the road we’re walking. This was a great article from Jim Rohn.  I found it relevant…

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5 Ways to Create a Strategic Life Plan

Tweet Your life needs a plan if you’re going to make anything out of it. Great video to watch. Today, I want to share with you five ways to create a strategic life plan. It starts with the acronym, V.A.L.U.E. Vision: What do you see? Achieve: What is that thing you want most? Learn: How will you grow?…

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7 Simple Tips to Jump-Start Your Business When You’re Short on Time

Tweet Growing your home business when you have limited time comes with a unique set of challenges, on top of the often-steep growth curve every marketer already experiences. It’s common to have feelings of frustration, even full-blown anger, when you feel like you could really make your business work and change your life… If you…

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