By Bill Fletcher
Here is a great article from Ron Gelok III. After reading the article, I saw so many areas in which the road to success could be derailed. So important is this post I am reposting it in its entirety. Ron is “right on” and any changes would only detract from the original.
Thanks to Ron for the clarification and posting the 7 Laws Of Success for all of us to use as a guide to our own success.
Here is Ron Gelok III’s…. 7 Laws Of Success.
7 Laws Of Success
1. Law of Vision – Focus on the prize not the price. I’ve found that without having a something that’s big, that’s important to you, something that keeps you fired up or up at night (positively) you have nothing that this law of vision is not in effect.
“Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.” – Proverbs 29:18
Solution: Write your vision down and commit it to paper. Don’t be afraid to cast a vision/dream for your life and what your life will mean and the impact your will have on others. I love having something tangible I can look at and hold so when days of defeat, fear, and anxiety try to knock at my door to block the view of my vision I can pull out my piece of paper and remember what the truth is.
2. Law of Your Mind – Your mind works best based on what we feed it. Just like our bodies need food and cars needs gas our minds need to be renewed to the best possible way of thinking. Your car will run best with premium gas and our bodies will be stronger and last longer with healthy foods. This law is a process and does take time just like working out builds your physical muscles, mental workout builds your mindset and thinking.
“Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.” – Romans 12:2
Here are some examples of how you know where you, you are either 1 or the other 98% person and a 2% person. The 2% live and think in a way as such: we don’t care what other people think, don’t have limitations, invest money, use time wisely, very coachable, constantly renewing our minds, and we create success. The 98% person cares about what others opinions are, spends money, declares they need more time or squanders time, believes they have limits, and has A LOT of excuses.
Side Note: An Excuse is nothing more than a well-planned lie.
Solution: Daily take time to fill your mind with the best information you can find to progress your life forward. Some great places to start are the bible & other similar self help/personal development books, our community daily wake up calls, success magazine, and 1 of my favorites youtube videos.
3. Law of Value – The marketplace pays for value. Similar to the law of supply and demand, the more value you create the greater ease you have to create an income. Which profession pays more, a brain surgeon or a nurse, a corporate lawyer or a paralegal? Both examples are in their respective fields, medicine and law, but the higher paid person/profession has increased his/her skillset and value in their respective markets.
“If you want to increase the quality of your life, increase the quality of you.” – Ron Gelok III
4. Law of Reaping and Sowing – What you sow, you shall reap. The most abundant seed we have is our words. We have the power to speak words of life or death into others, our businesses, and ourselves.
If I plant a grape seed should I expect and orange tree to grow? What If I plant corn, should I expect bananas to grow? Absolutely not! But yet more often than not we don’t even catch the negative words we are speaking over our businesses and ourselves. Saying things like, “This won’t work, I can’t, it only XYZ would happen, this is to hard, I can’t afford that, etc.” If what we reap is what we sow, what kind of words should we be speaking? Leave a comment below to let me know 1 empowering thing you can sow with your words.
“… A man reaps what he sows.” – Galatians 6:7
This principle works the same with our actions. If we never lift weights our bodies won’t grow muscle, if we never talk to people you’ll never recruit others into your business, if we never do any marketing how can we expect to generate leads? Last thing I’ll say about this Law, notice when a farmer plants seeds his throws thousands and thousands of seeds in his fields. How many of us have thrown a handful or 2 of seeds and expect to reap a harvest to fill the full barn?
5. Law of Desire – Everything in creation was born with desire and uniquely designed with all the right parts. Look at an eagle with it’s massive and majestic wing span. That eagle was not only made to fly it was made to soar! You are born for success and you have 5 attributes:
1. Enthusiasm
2. Persistence
3. Adventurous Spirit – something usually happens to us growing up that quenches this desire so it just lies dormant in most people
4. The gift to get over it – we have the desire to move your feelings and emotions
5. Faith – is something that we all have, its simply how much to do you believe? Most times when you can’t see something is when you have to believe the most. “Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.” Hebrews 11:1
6. Law of Teach-ability – You must be coachable and willing to learn from others. Pride and ego are the biggest blocks to our success. Ego will keep you broke and unfulfilled. There are all kinds of ways ego hides/masks itself here is a list of a few of them: the blame ego, the know it all ego, false humility ego, people pleasing ego, fake ego, shy ego, opinions of other people ego, exempt ego, over reactor ego, dissenting ego (that’s the “hello I’m better than you ego” or pride) and of course the super star ego.
For ego and pride to flee you must confront it! Breaking through this requires us to ask ourselves some honest questions and dive internally deep to deal with root of these egos. If you have a weed growing in your backyard, you could spray some weed killer and it will die, but it will almost always grow back unless you kill and uproot that weed. Without you asking yourself, “why am I or how am I this _____way we will be chained to the living small cage we made for ourselves and our ego keeps us captive.
7. Law of Forgiveness – Forgiveness is an indication that you have let someone, something that has hurt you go and it no longer has power over you. Un-forgiveness leads to bitterness, mental strongholds, and makes you weak. Un-forgiveness is like a jail cell we create for ourselves. Sometimes forgiveness is something you have to do daily. It can be difficult to forgive when we have been wounded but I can tell you there is freedom in it. See our enemies will always be shooting fiery arrows at us, in a battle the arrows never stop flying and people will never stop being people so we must be conscious of being free from people and forgiving: maliciousness, ignorance, words, actions, and ourselves in order to grow.
Anger and unforgiveness makes you small while joy and forgiveness makes you grow into a greater place.
Ask yourself, “who do I need to forgive!?” perhaps you may be like me and I needed to forgive myself of the past, the poor decisions and choices I made, and the people who had hurt me and those I hurt as well.
Take time periodically to reflect back on where you were in the past and how far you have come and now with your vision written down, where you are going! Everyone’s journey is different and we should never compare our speed of our journey with that of another. However, now that you know the 7 Laws Of Success I can promise you that you will get their faster. The 2% reads articles like this and the 98% … well … they just don’t.
-Ron Gelok III
Again many thanks to Ron for posting this very important road map for us to follow.