If you have a home based business, even a network marketing business you may have been marketing on the Internet for awhile or struggling to get people to join your business opportunity. I‘m going to assume that you’ve probably heard the phrase “lead magnet“. I’m going to make another assumption; you already have a lead magnet that’s working okay. Or you’ve been struggling to come up with one. Like many Internet Marketers, you could be confused by the whole concept of a lead magnet.
What I will attempt to do with this 7 Rules For Developing Your Own Lead Magnet article is to clear this concept up. I’ll try to show you how YOU can become you own Lead Magnet.
How cool is that!!
Before I get into lead magnets, lets define: “What is a Lead Magnet?”
Lead Magnet:
First, let’s define what’s classically thought of as a lead magnet for Internet marketers. I’ll also talk about “off-line” marketers and how to be your own lead magnet.
A Lead Magnet can be a free offer or giveaway that ideally solves a problem of your target audience. To receive the free giveaway, the person will provide their contact information such as their name and email address. With some lead magnets, you may even ask for a contact number such as a phone or mobile phone.
The Lead Magnet is the “free offer or giveaway.” The information people enter is called an “Opt-in” form.
Lead Magnets comes in many forms, it could be a free video training, audio, a PDF, Webinar, periscope, etc, and is linked to an email marketing software such as an Autoresponder, allowing the marketer (you) to “build his/her list”.
The idea is simple.
You (the marketer) give away useful information to an audience eager to consume it, and in exchange you build a list of highly targeted individuals (your Avatar) to correspond with.
For example, my target market are network marketers who are building their network marketing business or work at home program part-time and who may (but not always) have a traditional job. They are building their business “on the side.”
In many cases, these network marketers are struggling and/or confused on how to build a home based business. Most have no idea who their “target” market is or how to attract them.
So my Lead Magnet is a free 10-Day Recruiting Bootcamp on how to identify and recruit the “right” person into their MLM business. I carefully identified my Avatar so I only target those who meet my Avatar requirements.
This Free offer leads them into a powerful marketing strategy called Attraction Marketing. Through this strategy, the Network Marketer avoids the mistake of recruiting the “wrong” person in their business.
From my Lead Magnet, I think you can see how a Part Time Marketer would love that FREE information. Again they get this 10-Day Bootcamp, simply by providing their email to gain access to the course.
Here is a valuable TIP: Having a cool banner with enticing information. This will help a great deal.
A lead magnet works extremely well, however developing a lead magnet and its use is a whole subject on its own.
I can recommend a resource later in this article. They have lead magnets you can design for your particular home business.
What Does “Develop Your Own Lead Magnet” Mean?
If you don’t have your own lead magnet figured out, you can still generate leads by Developing Your Own Lead Magnet.
Tip: The following 7 Rules will help even if you have a lead magnet.
What does “Developing Your Own Lead Magnet” mean?
It simply means being an Authority in your business opportunity by offering Free advice, Devoted to your business and Developing a Magnetic Personally that your target audience will come looking for help and advice. Most are seeking help and you are the person who they look to for that help.
This type of person is not out looking for making a “BUCK” but instead is willing to offer advice and helpful information. In doing this, “the money will come.
What you are saying now is: “Sounds great… but how do you make that happen?”
Fair question, so let’s look at 7 Rules for Developing Your Own Lead Magnet.
7 Rules For Developing Your Own Lead Magnet
It is possible to become your own lead magnet, even if you’re just beginning your home business or network marketing? “YES”
If you follow these 7 Rules, you’ll soon have people noticing you, following your progress and asking for help and more information about what you do and how.
Rule 1: Be Consistent
It’s sad to say, but you can stand out from most of your competitors by simply being consistent! Their are so many people in this business that are “hit and miss.” What I mean is that they hit for awhile then go cold. The they hit it again, then go cold.
You may not realize it, but if you’re out there creating valuable content or posting on social media on a regular basis, people are watching.
They’re watching to see if you last, to see if you are Consistent.
The truth is that most people lack consistency and focus and don’t last. Soon they are off to chase the next shiny object that promises riches.
By being Consistent, they will notice and see you as an Authority.
When you stay in the game and remain consistent in your efforts, others will take notice and want to check out what you’re doing!
Rule 2: Be Specific In Your Message
Not only should you be consistent in your marketing efforts, but you must be Specific In Your Message.
You can’t be all things to all people… this is a huge mistake! Some people will “suck” your time and do nothing.
Once you determine your target market (Avatar), speak DIRECTLY to them.
- Address their biggest problems.
- Provide them solutions when possible.
- How can I help you?
- What are your desires and wishes?
And one more thing…it’s important so read it more than ONCE!
If you jump around from one MLM Company to another MLM Company and one business opportunity to another business opportunity you will find yourself repeating “this one is the real deal!.” You’re probably confusing your audience with your message.
It’s kind of like the boy who cried wolf…After a while, they stop listening! Remember Be Consistent.
Rule 3: Ask Questions… And Then Listen
Listening is an ART which we don’t do. Most of us like to talk.
If you’re in a network marketing business opportunity, most network marketers tend to talk too much. Things like, “best MLM Company, our products do..debt free, high commissions, build wealth, you can do it, get started today, simply do this….”

You get the idea. They spend so much time selling they don’t take the time to LISTEN.
This tends to drive people away or even get annoyed with you. And you lost a prospect!
I recommend you spend twice as much time LISTENING as you do speaking. Find out more about “them” and what they may be struggling with.
If marketers would just follow this one simple rule, they’d make a lot more money!
If you really want to connect with your audience, ask questions.
Ask LOTS of questions…And then LISTEN.
Let them tell you what’s preventing them from realizing their dreams.
People tend to enjoy talking about themselves… When you give them a chance to explain, they’ll trust you more and guess what?
You’ve just become more magnetic! Possibly someone who can help solve their issues.
Rule 4: Don’t Be All About Business
If you want to become your own lead magnet, you may want to reveal some personal stories about yourself.
To the level you’re comfortable with, talk about your family, your travels, and even things that happen to you during your day.
When you involve your audience with your offline life, they feel included and this adds to your attraction factor.
5: Be Okay With Sowing Without Reaping
You’ve heard the saying, “you reap what you sow“.
Sometimes, you’ve got to be okay with sowing without reaping (at least in the immediate future).
Sometimes your prospect is better served by connecting him/her with a person who can help them where you cannot.
When you become known as a connector, advisor and not just a prospector trying to get their money, you earn the trust of both your prospect and your fellow marketers.
Rule 6: Teach What You Learn (and Always Be Learning)
My friend Ray Higdon is great at teaching what he learned.
I’m the same. I recently attended a course on Facebook. During the seminar, I took over 15 pages of notes. My blog has many of these noted posted as well as teaching my team.
If you want to become an authority and magnetically attract others toward you…you must always be Learning. Then teach What You Learn.
For years in my corporate life, I taught very high tech electronics. I always told my student on the first day that, “I will gain more from these two week than you. The reason, I have to teach so you understand. Then I have to field question from all of you to find answers. I will learn from you.”
The sayings “leaders are readers” and “readers are earners” couldn’t be more true.
But it goes further…
Yes, you must always be learning new things to keep your business moving forward, but also need to be teaching what you learn to others…Teach What You Learn.
To become your own magnet, you must be seen as an authority, and nothing does that faster than teaching. I know this because I became an Authority and was highly sought after by other companies.
I know your question; “Who’s going to listen to me?” “I don’t have any success record to help.” “I get a little intimidated.”
My answer: “Everyone is intimidate at first.” “Who’s going to listen to me? People seeking help. You don’t need success to help. All you need is where to find help.
I guarantee, if you do a little study and listen to others, you know more than the person you are talking to. And if not, you can direct them to someone who has the answer.
Remember “you can’t be everything to everyone.” You’re still an Authority figure simply by helping and directing them to someone who can help.
For those who get a little intimidated by teaching others (“who’s gonna listen to me?”), you don’t need a big track record to help others.
You just need a warm heart and a willingness to help and coach.
And that leads us to Rule 7…
Rule 7: Give So Much More Than You Take
Just as you must listen more than you talk (Rule 3), you should also give far more than you take.
One question I get asked is, “when should I pitch my business?“
Did I shock you?
Never, ever PITCH your business opportunity. Find out what your prospect is struggling with and tailor your business offer to solve that issue. LISTEN!!
Let the prospect make up their mind “as if it were their decision to join your business” and not you “pitching” your business opportunity.
So when they ask about what I’m doing? That is a signal that I can now explain my business and why I’m building my business opportunity. I explain the Benefits I am getting.
I never ask them to join. I always let them make that decision.
Pushing them into something they don’t want will only cause them to quit later. This is a total waste of your time and theirs.
Finally, we all know that people do business with those they trust.
And trust is not easily built, but very easily destroyed.
Gary Vaynerchuk
In his book, Jab Jab Jab, Right Hook, Gary Vaynerchuk relates this concept to a boxing match.
Jab, Jab, Jab equates to Give, Give, Give…
Right hook means to ask for the sale.
Learn to give much more than you take in this business and you’re credibility and trust factor will go through the roof (and so will your sales).
You can become your own Lead Magnet and attract people to you. Never Pitch your business opportunity. Explain the benefits only after you find out what they are struggling with. Get to know their wants and desires. Be consistent and focus your energy on building your business by helping others (never go after the fast buck). Become a coach and mentor. Teach what you learn and most important…LISTEN to your prospect and your team members.
BONUS RULE: Share Your Setbacks (AFTER You’ve Overcome Them!)
Everyone will experience setbacks. Some of the top producers in this industry have had setbacks in their business at one time.
Let’s be real: Everyone has struggles, but you become much more of an Authority and valuable when you overcome those obstacles and then tell the story of how you did it.
Figure out how to got past your struggles and then teach others how you did it.
It’s very, very powerful and will make you a strong Lead Magnet and a better leader.
That’s it…These are the 7 Rules of “Developing Your Own Lead Magnet.” The Rules have nothing to do with experience or knowledge or results.
It’s all about YOU.
Thanks for reading and check out other Blog post about Network Marketing, Blogging and Affiliate Marketing as well as Tip and Suggestions on how to build a Success MLM Business.
And thanks to Dr. Bob for the ideas behind this blog post.
P.S. Attention MLMers: Did you sponsor 10 people this week? It’s a good question because many did and they used the Power of Attraction Marketing. Before you get Attraction Marketing Formula, get your Free 10-Day Online Recruiting Bootcamp. The Bootcamp will show you an easy way to identify and recruit the “Right” people into your business using the Internet. CLICK HERE for details or the Banner Below.