Afraid To Fail?

Most people don’t understand the subtle difference between Success and Failure. They think they are two different sides of a coin.

Successful people and programs can fail…and Failed people and programs can be successful.  Let’s look into this important differences.

Afraid To Fail?

Struggling With Your Network Marketing Business and afraid to fail?

Struggling With Your Network Marketing Business and afraid to fail?

Now let’s take this misunderstanding of the relationship between success and failure one step further—being afraid to fail.

You see, many people are so afraid of failing or losing that they never make any big moves or decisions. They don’t understand that failure or loss often plays an important role in success and fulfillment.  They are so afraid to fail that they offer any excuse to “not do anything.”  Or “If I was met to do it….”

Given the choice, most people would rather not lose something than gain something.

However, if you’re not prepared to lose, you’ll always play it safe. And there’s no reward in that because you’ll never discover what you are capable of.

You won’t achieve a worthy goal by playing it safe

Is there a job, an idea, or a business you would like to go after but you’re holding back because you’re afraid of failing or what you might lose?

I will agree, it can be a frightening proposition to walk into the unknown.   To do something that others will not do.  To be different.  Playing it “safe” it could lead to a loss—money, time, desires, dreams and wants.

But think about this: The choice to play small could involve much greater losses. Loss of confidence, growth, and unforeseen opportunities. Think about how those losses might be compounded in one year, five years, and ten years down the road.  Think about the question…”If I would of only…”

Love my dad but he was one of the “If I had only….” people.  With that he never accomplished what he wanted to do.

Are you really willing to live with that?  “If I had only…?”

Adopt a new perspective

Instead of thinking of a setback as a failure, take control of your life, your future by changing your perspective.  Start thinking of failures as temporary defeats.  Think of failure as a tool.  A tool you can learn by.

Think about it.

When you think you’ve failed at something, it puts your mind and body in a terrible vibration. However, if you look at it as a temporary defeat, a tool it can be a blessing in disguise.

Temporary defeats tend to bring us up and cause us to redirect our energies along a different path.  They are nature’s way of strengthening us and giving us the courage necessary to reach our goals.

There are many paths that lead to where you want to go. Take a step and if it doesn’t work, look at it as a temporary defeat an not as a failure. Then, choose another path.

As with anything, viewing a temporary defeat as a blessing in disguise is much easier said than done. However, keep the following three points in mind to help you garner the courage to stay the course and obtain the success you desire:

  1. No one ever got up from the knockout blow of defeat without being stronger and wiser from the experience.
  2. Advancement of all kinds is generally preceded by a crisis. The greater the crisis, the greater the opportunity for advancement.
  3. There is no problem outside of you that is superior to the power that is within you.

Accept that failure and loss are unavoidable if you want to succeed in life. Embrace each setback with the understanding that the key to winning is to keep getting up and moving forward until you reach your goal.

To your success,

Bill Fletcher







PS:  Many have failed and learned.  Many have failed and quit.  Are you a Quitter or someone who can learn and change direction?  Attraction Marketing is a great TOOL for you to learn how to brand yourself for success.  Get a copy of Attraction by simply clicking the banner below.

Attraction Marketing Boot Camp

About The Author


Bill Fletcher is a marketing professional and Business Coach. My goal is to help anyone who is interested in building a home base business through a systematic approach to success. Planning-4-Success will guide you with the help of some of the best coaching program available anywhere. We train you with the best professional in all categories of business building and success management.