How To Build Your Affiliate Marketing Business Using The Internet

“How To Build Your Affiliate Marketing Business Using The Internet”

I’ll start by asking the question:  “Is There A Secret To Building A Successful Affiliate Marketing Business?”

“Yes there is. It’s called the Internet

And by the way, there is no SECRET!

Once again…

“Can you build a Affiliate Marketing Business Using the Internet?”

Let’s begin by saying: “There has never been a better time in the history of the world when it has been easier to start your own business.”

This could be:

  • a home based business
  • a work at home business
  • a affiliate business
  • a network marketing business
  • a franchise
  • a brick and mortar business
  • a hobby
  • or any personal business

I realize that’s a bold claim and but it is absolutely true as I will explain in this article.

Before I go any further let’s examine what we mean by “Business” as identified by Wikipedia:

Business is the activity of making one’s living or making money by producing or buying and selling products (such as goods and services).  Simply put, it is “any activity or enterprise entered into for profit. It does not mean it is a company, a corporation, partnership, or have any such formal organization, but it can range from a street peddler to General Motors.”

Affiliate Marketing

Since I like Affiliate Marketing, I will direct this article toward Affiliate Marketing.

The reason why today is a great day to start an Affiliate Marketing business, is the Internet.

The Internet can make starting an Affiliate business quick, simple and inexpensive:

  • Your start-up costs are low compared to an offline business or franchise
  • Your overhead can be ridiculously low
  • Your profit margins can be astronomical
  • Your business operation headaches can be almost non-existent compared to running a tradition business
  • Your business headquarters can be anywhere..your home..on the beach..mountain retreat…etc.
  • Your lifestyle can be anything you want
  • Your destiny is under your control

Notice the word I used in these statements, “YOUR”  That’s important, because YOUR the business.  YOUR the owner.  YOUR the entrepreneur.  And YOUR the person this article is written for!

Believe it or not, YOU have a million dollar business, an international, a product business, a service business or anything type of business that meets your desires right in your home.

PlanningAnd with any business come cost and headaches, ups and downs, however the Internet has minimize these headaches.

By knowing the issue the Internet can help you understand them, how to avoid them, what to do as “a work-a-round” and with the help of Google and YouTube see what others are doing to minimize these issues.

Issues and problems will happen, plan on now so you won’t become surprised when it happens.

However, remember this is your business, you’re in control and you have the ability to solve the issue and/or seek help at anytime.  Treat this Affiliate Business as a Business and not as a hobby.

The Secret To Affiliate Marketing Using The Internet

Remember, I said earlier…There Is No SECRET to running a home base business specifically an Affiliate Business.

If you do it right..which means focusing on the right things and taking the right steps…you can start and run your own business from your home and literally be up and running within hours.

This makes Affiliate Marketing the perfect business.

I realize that sounds absurd..but it is true.  Ask any Affiliate Marketer using the Internet and they will tell you the same thing, “I was up and running in hours or at the most several days”

They may not be making money just yet but they were up and running.

If you’re new to Internet Marketing, and again more specific, Affiliate Marketing you must understand that the Internet can be confusing and frustrating.  While it’s not hard, Affiliate Marketing is not easy.  There are certain “Rules” you must know.  Rules like:

  • “know your target audience”
  • “what social media do you use?”
  • “what products can I sell?”
  • “what training do I need?”
  • “is there a company that can help?” and the most common question,
  • “How do I do this.” 

Social Media

Do I personally use Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, Article Writing, Blogs and a host of other social media programs?

The answer is YES!! All of them!!

You use all of the resources available..but not all at the same time.

Become an expert in FaceBook or a Blog as an example.

Spend time knowing how to use these social media sites.  Know all the “how to’s.”

Be comfortable with this marketing approach.  And once you do then move to another.  But only after you “master your chosen media.”

This is the most important aspect in this article…“work on one social media until your comfortable and know how to master it.  Then and only then move to another.”  I have seen many amateurs try to study: Facebook, Pinterest, Blogging, YouTube, Twitter and others only to become frustrated because they only know a “little” about how to become efficient with anyone of them.

If you try to become an expert in all the social media programs, you will become CONFUSED AND FRUSTRATED.

And while I’m at it, please don’t buy all the programs that come into your email box, this will only add to the confusion and distract your focus, save your money

Choose the media you want to use and stay with it or buy a third party program that will help and coach you by expanding your knowledge in that program or offer advice.  Once you master Facebook, for example you can always come back to those other programs later.

Your Affiliate Marketing Secret Success

Google “how to_____” (fill in the blank) or go to You Tube and you will find a host of experts willing to give you the help you need and in most cases FREE.

It’s there, it’s available and with a little knowledge, you can become knowledgable in a very short time using these Free services.  As a matter of fact, you can find products to sell by simply using Google.

Why pay someone when it’s FREE training?

Here is an example: You have decided to build a Lake House.  Do you grab a hammer and start building?

NO, that would be absurd.

You first need to learn the basic.  What type of wood, do you use nails or screws or both, what type of roof and a hundred of other basics.  You Need The Help and Advice Of Experts.

You continue to PRACTICE, you make mistakes, you make changes, you buy material, you seek help.  You begin your project and as you continue you will be learning and becoming better and better.  In fact, you may find that your really good at building Lake Houses.  Your now an expert!  People will be looking to you for help and advice or better, contract with you to build them a Lake House.

After awhile, you are the “Go-To-Guy” for building houses, but remember it didn’t happen over night.

The Internet is no different.

Understand, you will not be good at first, but by continuing to learn, continue to study, continue practicing and continuing to do what you learn, you will soon be the expert.

Here is the exciting don’t have to be a technical genius about the Internet, you don’t have to be a business wizard or even super marketer to make a success out of your home business.

It simply comes down to knowing a few key things (basic) that makes all the difference.

It takes some persistence, self discipline, focus, but just like anything worth doing, the reward can be huge.  This is where the amateur fails.  They are not willing to do the things necessary to become successful.

Just remember, as I said earlier, “you will become confused and frustrated.”

Ain’t goina make it

But just stay with it and more important DON’T QUIT

Your Affiliate Marketing Business is too important to give up just because of a few road blocks.  Which will happen.

By using the Internet and a third party support, you will find that building your Business will be much easier than trying trying to go it alone.

Here are an article you may like to read on Affiliate Marketing:

Wealthy Affiliate . Dedicated To Affiliate Success

Again, there is No Secrets To Affiliate Success…its knowledge, learning and doing!

So if you’re struggling with your Affiliate Marketing business my hope is to clear up the struggle and get your business on the right path and growing.

This can be done through:

  • coaching
  • learning the basics
  • practice
  • mistakes
  • DOING What You Have Learned


So what is the success secret to Affiliate Marketing?

As we examined, there is NO Secret.  All it takes is a little knowledge, dedication, focus, desire and someone to help you and offer advice.

Always, put into practice what you have learned.  Procrastination can cause your business to loose momentum or worst, to fail.  It maybe difficult, maybe hard, you will make mistakes but you did it and that is the most important Secret to building an Affiliate Business.

Just remember, any business will take time to develop.  Nothing every happened overnight.  Being Confused and Frustrated is all part of the learning curve.

Never ever Quit

The Internet and Affiliate Marketing is no different than learning to riding a bike.  You will fall, you will get back-up, you will fall again, but over time and practice you will learn the basics and from there the world is opened.

One final message…NEVER EVER QUIT!  You have at your finger tips a great million dollar, international business that can be operated at home on on the BEACH and wouldn’t that be fun.

Here’s to your success,






PS:  Need a little help with your business or interested in Affiliate Marketing?  Wealthy Affiliate is really one of TRUE program available that will help, train and coach you.  Plus you can give Wealthy Affiliate a ride for FREE.

Click on the BANNER now and learn how Wealthy Affiliate can be the go-to program to your success.

About The Author


Bill Fletcher is a marketing professional and Business Coach. My goal is to help anyone who is interested in building a home base business through a systematic approach to success. Planning-4-Success will guide you with the help of some of the best coaching program available anywhere. We train you with the best professional in all categories of business building and success management.