Facebook Marketing To Grow Your Home Based Business

Facebook Marketing To

Grow Your Home Based Business

So you have a Home Based Business…congratulation.

  • First question…how’s it going?
  • Second question…are you frustrated?
  • Third question…are you ready to quit?

The fact is most people in Network Marketing or MLM are frustrated, not doing as well as they thought, spending money with no results, friends and family ignoring them and ready to quit!

How do I know?  I was frustrated with Network Marketing for years.  In fact I quit four MLM companies over five years.  Sponsored many people and all quit.  Joined another, saw little success and was disappointed with my results.

Then I was introduced to Social Media Marketing and everything changed.

Defining Social Media Marketing

“Social networking websites allow individuals to interact with one another and build relationships”.  “When you join the social media channels, your customers and distributors can interact with you and you can communicate with your customers and distributors directly. That interaction feels more personal to users than traditional methods of strictly outbound marketing & advertising”

What are Social Media Marketing Sites?  The most popular are:  Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedin and a host of others.  To really make money online with your Social-MediaMLM Business, use all the Social Media Channels you can for promoting your business.

Personally, I found Blogging as an easy form of online marketing.  In fact I found that I could make money blogging if done right.  The key phrase there is IF DONE RIGHT!  Many fail because they don’t know the basic to successful blogging.

Here is how to do it right.

Facebook Marketing for getting FREE leads.

To supplement your current advertising and marketing strategies or if you’re just starting out, Facebook marketing should be part of your overall marketing mix.  Facebook is growing so fast that you can have access to a worldwide audience.  In fact you can “target” your audience.

A common mistake that I see most armature marketers make on Facebook is that they Rudeimmediately try to “pitch” their MLM company and product.  Pitching will do nothing more that to turn people off.

Example: do you like to be “pitched”?  I don’t think so.  But do you like to “buy”?  Sure.  If the business opportunity makes sense, or if it’s something I want and if I have confidence in what I am either purchasing or investing in, I will buy.  And so will others.

So if your intent is to get leads with Facebook, don’t pitch.  Instead, make contact with people in your “target” market, build trust, get to know the person and then tell them of your business opportunity or product…BUT NEVER EVER PITCH YOUR BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY.

Facebook and a Blog

Any content that you publish on your Blog should be linked to your Facebook. If you have a blog, (and if you are really serious about building a business)…you should, link your blog posts to your Facebook. You should also link your Twitter account to the Facebook and vice versa.

Again here is my suggestion for building a Blog.

Posts daily on your Facebook page.

Mistake number 1 most Facebook beginners makes are, they set up a Facebook page, start posting the first day, the second day, even the third day, probably several months and then start ignoring Facebook because they see no results and then stop all together.  This will do nothing but to cause your business to fail.

If you are going to do Facebook for marketing your Home Based Business, set up a schedule for posting that meets your business’s purpose and stick to it.

Marketing takes time.  Just because you don’t see immediate results, does not mean your marketing is not effective.  Again, marketing takes time.

The same advice goes for your Blog.  Post daily with good content.  Always link your blog to Facebook for best results.  Look how powerful this is:

  • Facebook marketing linked to your blog and
  • Your blog linked to your Facebook.

Two very powerful marketing programs all promoting what you have to offer.

Integrate All Your Campaigns

Integrate all your campaigns across multiple social media platforms. You want your branding, your look and feel, to be consistent across your Facebook page, your blog, your website, your Twitter page, your YouTube channel and so on.  Consistent branding will make visitors feel more at home with your business while branding YOU and your business.

I use a third party for creating my brand look, such as Odesk and Fivver.

Offer something valuable in exchange for them to “Like” your page. This is a win-win situation. Some businesses have offered free products like e-Books just for “Liking” their page.

Don’t forget that Facebook has paid advertising. You can’t ignore the potential power in being able to create customized demographic lists to target with your content.

Facebook and Twitter

A powerful combination is Facebook and Twitter. Promote your Facebook posts on Twitter. Twitter is an amazing social media for link sharing. If you take the time to craft some excellent Facebook posts, then get the word out by passing it through your Twitter stream. Don’t be afraid to tweet it a few times over the course of the week to help the content gain some traction.

On your Twitter account, do a minimum of 7-10 post per day.  But again do not “pitch”.  I like to give information, educate, fun quotes, links to my blog and other social media programs I’m using.

Finely, join Facebook groups that are related to your Network Marketing Business, Affiliate Business or products you are promoting. The more presence that you make on Facebook, the more people you will be reaching.

Man with chartBasic business principle, “the more people that you reach, the more sales you will make and your earning potential will grow”.

Is Facebook Marketing of interest to your marketing mix?  Then I highly suggest you have both a Blog and Facebook account.

Learn how to blog by clicking HERE.

Blogging is fun, easy and you can make money blogging so why not start here first.  While you are blogging you have the opportunity to do Facebook Marketing by referring your target audience to your Blog.

Get more on Blogging HERE

Leverage your blog to get Facebook Fans.  As you get Facebook fans your marketing impact will start to grow and your business will follow. The advice here is designed to help you establish “Facebook Marketing To Grow Your Home Based Business”

Enjoy your success




PS:  Empower Network is a powerful blogging system.  Combine Empower Network with Prosperity Team and the new iPAS 2, and you are almost guaranteed success.

Take a serious look at Prosperity Team and Empower Network ===>  HERE

About The Author


Bill Fletcher is a marketing professional and Business Coach. My goal is to help anyone who is interested in building a home base business through a systematic approach to success. Planning-4-Success will guide you with the help of some of the best coaching program available anywhere. We train you with the best professional in all categories of business building and success management.