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Is Fear Of Failure Holding You Back? | What About Fear Of Success?

Fear of failure can and will hold you back.  Surprisingly Fear of success can hold you back!

We all know about the fear of failure, but fear of success?  I’ll examine both in this article.

There’s only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve:  “The fear of failure.”

Inside Every Human Being

Inside every human being is a desire to pursue wild ambitions and discover new possibilities. There’s a would-be entrepreneur, motivational speaker, freelance writer, stage performer, or off-the-grid traveler in all of us.

Why Can’t I make Money With My Business?

But unfortunately most people spend their lives in a routine, nondescript comfort zone because they’re too intimidated to chase a goal that seems uncertain and prone to fail.

There are many fears or phobia’s, but the most common is a fear of personal failure.  We can broadly define fear of failure as unemployment, financial ruin, and lost business.

Also called “atychiphobia,” this fear of failure often becomes so debilitating it can hinder a person from attempting any goal that is not a guaranteed success. It feels safe and secure, but functioning in this state of rigidity will hold you back from opportunities, experiences and overall happiness.

Fear will lie to you.  Fear will tell you “you cant” when in fact you can.  Fear will lie to you by telling you “it’s impossible when in fact it is possible.”  Fear will lie to you when ever you give it a chance.

Here are five potential indicators that a fear of failure has come between you and the life of purpose, excitement, or satisfaction you dream about.

You Procrastinate or Avoid Responsibility

Did you know there’s a direct correlation between the fear of failure and a person’s ability to manage assignments within the time allotted?

According to Adam McCaffrey, a researcher whose work was discussed in Psychology Today, those who panic at the idea of failing exhibit a lower sense of self-determination that often causes a lack of motivation to finish deadline-driven projects.

It squelches the confidence to take on major responsibilities. If you feel immobilized to perform tasks out of concern that you won’t succeed, this fear of failure can inhibit your productivity.

You Feel Discontent in Your Career Path

At some point in your career, you’ll feel disengaged and antsy; ready for something new, but not paralyzed without knowing where your next step should be.

Author and entrepreneur, Daniel Gulati, reported that job dissatisfaction rates are well above 80 percent, but that most people are unlikely to quit a current profession and seek out their real passion instead. He ascribes this trend to a behavior known as “risk-aversion.”

This theory of risk aversion suggests individuals are conditioned to choose safety and familiarity over ambiguity and unpredictability, often to the detriment of their own happiness. If you allow extreme caution to keep you stuck in a mediocre or creatively stifling position, this fear of failure can stagnate your career growth.

You Worry About Disappointing Others

Prolific keynote speaker Mike Robbins points out in a HuffPost article that the effort to avoid disappointing people can negatively impact the outcome of a decision or paralyze someone from making any decision in the first place.

Those who define failure in terms of letting others down ignore their own aspirations because they’re too focused on cooperating with the opinions of everyone else.

Robbins argues that too much emphasis on outside voices will deter a person from experiencing fulfillment and authenticity. If you avoid disappointment, this fear of failure can harm both your relationships and self-awareness.

You Experience Physical Effects of Stress

When people spend all of their energy fixating on the possibility of defeat, they risk suffering both physically and mentally.

Our bodies manifest stress and anxiety in a wide variety of ways, including panic attacks, headaches, sweating, muscle spasms, insomnia, and gastrointestinal distress.

An outward sign of anxiety should not be disregarded, but rather, taken care of before it escalates into a more serious condition. If you have extreme reactions to stress, this fear of failure can jeopardize your health over time.

You Aren’t Proactive About Your Future

In an article for HuffPo, Stan Popovich, author of A Layman’s Guide to Managing Fear, discusses that people tend to overanalyze future events because they’re unable to predict what might happen. This pattern leads to feeling powerless.

Without immediate assurance and instant gratification, the unknown becomes a source of distress for many individuals. If you sidestep thoughts, plans or conversations about the future, this fear of failure can sabotage both your current goals and future prospects or opportunities.

Before you can overcome a phobia, it’s crucial to understand the reason it exists in the first place. Consider working with a therapist to uncover the causes of your anxieties regarding failure. Once you commit to taking risks that are important to you, you’ll discover a stronger, bolder, and happier version of yourself.

Thanks to Jessica Thiefels, Health and Fitness Professional for this article.

To continue, there is another fear that can stop people from attaining their goals.  It’s called: “The fear of success.”

Fear Of Success

Fear Of Success

You maybe saying, “How can you fear success?”

The fear of success phobia is very much like the fear of failure: both prevent the sufferer from dreaming and achieving his goals.

It might seem weird to fear success; after all what can be more appealing in life than success?

As Hugh MacLeod points out, success is more complex than failure. On some level, it’s more comfortable to stay in a familiar situation, even if it doesn’t feel great on the surface.

But achieving success (however you define it) means you are entering uncharted territory. You are putting yourself out there to be scrutinized and criticized, and exposing yourself to new pressures and demands. It’s only human to wonder whether you’ll be up to the challenge. A small anxious part of you would rather not take the risk.

Often, the individual might be afraid of success owing to the fear of inability to handle fame or wealth it brings.

Success has mixed results: it can bring fame and money but it comes at a cost such as envy, jealousy, hurt, notoriety, limelight etc. This knowledge can cause deep fear in the minds Achievemephobic or the fear of success. Other reasons include:

  • Fearing getting what one wants and being unable to handle achieving this.
  • The dread or deep fear of success is usually deep rooted. A person may be exceptionally talented yet s/he may have a long list of underachievement. This becomes a vicious circle in that; s/he refuses to set goals.
  • Shy, introverted people or people who do not like limelight might suffer from Achievemephobia.
  • Getting ahead of friends, colleagues, and close family members can be intimidating and threatening: one might fear breaking ties with these people.

Fear is a real phobia.  The fear of failure is probably the most threading fear to anyone who desires to own a business.  You often hear, “What if the business fails?”  “What if I fail to —–?”  These are real fears.

However, if you know how to overcome the fear of failure you can achieve great things.

Ask just about anybody who has become successful if they have ever failed at any aspect of their journey. Chances are you will get quite a few stories of missteps and blunders.

Yes, failure happens.

  • Live with it.
  • Learn from it.

Successful People Who Failed

  • Successful People Who Failed. Thomas Edison. …He was a master of “trial and error”.
  • Elvis Presley. ​You do not need to be a Elvis fan to acknowledge the impact he has had on popular music. …
  • Michael Jordan. …I have failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”
  • Vincent van Gogh. …Four of his paintings have sold for more than 100 million dollars.
  • Stephen King. …King was rejected 30 times for his manuscript “Carrie”. Before his 31st attempt he threw the manuscript out.
  • Fred Astaire. …During his first screen test an RKO executive noted that Astaire, “Can’t sing. Can’t act. Balding. Can dance a little.”
  • Abraham Lincoln. …His real rise to “national” prominence could also be viewed as a, “failure”.
  • JK Rowling….Rowling herself said she was the “biggest failure I knew” and credits a lot of her success to her failure.

Don’t doubt yourself.

Obstacles are out there. They are meant to be overcome.

No adventure worth undertaking is easy. Everyone who achieves success faces obstacles. What makes (or breaks) a person is how they react to the obstacles and roadblocks in their life and what they do (or do not do) to overcome these setbacks.

Face the fears, act on the fears, and then move forward.

Hear’s to your success,


About The Author


Bill Fletcher is a marketing professional and Business Coach. My goal is to help anyone who is interested in building a home base business through a systematic approach to success. Planning-4-Success will guide you with the help of some of the best coaching program available anywhere. We train you with the best professional in all categories of business building and success management.