Figuring Out How To Blog About Anything

Figuring Out How To Blog About Anything

By Bill Fletcher

Do you feel like everyone has a blog but you? Blog Posting is part of our everyday lives. A successful blog doesn’t happen quickly or without work. Exercise due diligence and take the advice in this piece to heart if you truly want to create a terrific blog.  We will help you by, “Figuring Out How To Blog About Anything”

For your blog to be successful, ensure that search engine optimization (SEO) is utilized within the content. Because you want people to start reading your blog, you have to be certain that the blog is listed highly in search engine results for specific topics. Get the most readers by using the most important keywords as part of your title and all through each article on your website. Your post should include H1, H2, H3 subheadlines and as mentioned “keywords” to get your blog noticed.

Here is an “Almost A Secret” Video with more details.

If this is all new to you we have good news.  All this is laid out for you in a training course about getting traffic to your blog using SEO and Keywords.  As part of your membership, this course as well as others are available to you.  Watch this video for more…

TIP! Don’t overuse your keywords or advertisements. Such practices will have your blog flagged by search engines, which hurts your ranking and undoes your hard work.

Find blogs within your niche and comment on their posts. This can be done simply on sites like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other social media sites and in blog posting communities like Blogspot or via programs like Google Reader. Comment on these regularly, every time you wish to say something.

Blog Frequently

Red Bird
Blog Frequently

Blog on a regular basis. Many bloggers will start by posting once a week, or once a day, and then fail to continue the frequent updates. Even if readers love your blog, they’ll lose interest if they have to wait a long time for updates. Make sure to blog at least weekly and notify your subscribers.

To make money with blogging, and here is hoping you are trying to make money with your blog, you need to write good content daily.  Making money with a blog is really easy if you know what you are doing.  Again, here is a FREE video on blogging from one of the most successful person I know of.  Check out this video…

Keep your blog posts short and sweet. Although you want to give your readers the detail and information they desire, if your blog is too long or wordy, your readers will lose interest. Most blog readers aren’t looking for Pulitzer-winning prose or poetic descriptions of every detail of a topic. They want a readable blog that gets to the point!

Social Media

Social Media 3
Social Mediawill get you noticed

Use social media to promote your blog. Put links to your blog on each social media site and create pages for your blog on these sites, so that readers have a variety of methods for following your blog. Social networking sites like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter are popular and can be used to make you successful. You can easily reach more readers and followers with these web portals.

Start developing your blog’s mailing list as early as possible. The sooner you get started on it, the easier it will be to expand as your blog grows. This list can be utilized to make more money in the future. Neglecting to build a mailing list for your blog at the outset is rarely a good idea.

TIP! Make sure that your information is relevant and appealing. Blogging about mundane things like vacuuming or doing dishes probably won’t hold anyone’s interest.

Remain patient when you are attempting to grow your readership. People aren’t going to magically stumble upon your blog over night; it takes time to buildan audience. Additionally, you will have to build up your content so there will be a lot for the readers to view. As your blog becomes more established and you build up a sizable amount of content, more people will come to visit it.

Amateurs Will Give Up

At best a new blog will not get ranked until it becomes an Authority site.  I will normally tell my clients that a blog will take 90 + days to get noticed.  From experience 120 to 190 days has been my experience.  Patients is the keyword here.  Just keep doing what you are doing daily.  Amateurs will give up but professional bloggers will keep doing what is necessary.

Do not attempt to write paragraph upon paragraph of uninteresting, uninspired content. Take the time to select a subject area that make sense for the blog.  Just writing for the sake of writing will lead to failure. Always remember your content is vital to your success.

What Are The Best Blogs?

Question 2
What Are TheBest Blogs?

The best blogs are information or “how to” blogs.  What is meant by that? There are a lot of struggling people that want information.  What are they looking for?  That is where you come in.  Do research on Google to find what people are struggling with and then provide an answer or suggestions.  Direct them to other sources for information, or an ebook or website.  Soon you will be the “go to person”.  When this happens, you now have a reader that may purchase what you have to offer.  Gain their trust first and then offer a product to solve their issues.


Today, there are a huge variety and quantity of blogs on the Internet. No matter the purpose of a blog, it only succeeds when the right audience actually reads it. Use these tips to better define and formulate your message in your blog for your intended audience.

Figuring Out How To Blog About Anything is really easy.  Find a problem and then solve the problem.  You can blog about anything that may be causing issues with your readers.

Here is a video about blogging and how to get started with your own blog or if you are serious about making money with your blog this is the video you need to watch.   FREE VIDEO

If you liked this article, check out additional articles about Blogging.

Here is another article:  Blogging For Money Is Really Easy

To your success,

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Bill H. Fletcher, EzineArticles Basic PLUS Author

About The Author


Bill Fletcher is a marketing professional and Business Coach. My goal is to help anyone who is interested in building a home base business through a systematic approach to success. Planning-4-Success will guide you with the help of some of the best coaching program available anywhere. We train you with the best professional in all categories of business building and success management.