How To Be Successful In MLM

How To Be Successful In MLM

You can be successful in MLM if and only if you stop the Excuses.  Excuses are number 1 reasons we make that stop us from being successful in life, business and MLM.  Address your excuses and you can Be Successful In MLM

Below you’ll find some excuses people use to blame other for their lack of success, when they should be looking at themselves. #1:  I Just Don’t Have The Time.

The truth is none of us ever really have time.  Do you know why?  Because, it’s not fun to work hard at something to make it a success.  But, we can easily forget that the hard work has rewards.  No one has any more time than any one else.  Why then do some become successful while other only watch others.

What if Steve Jobs never started Apple because it was hard work? Steve probably worked night and day on his company to get it up and running.  Then, imagine if he just gave up after he got fired from Apple?  We never would have had the Ipod, IMac or IPad or they would have come out much later.

I am talking about is doing something that is fun and can change your life.

One of the most often excuses I hear is “I don’t have time”.   I wonder is this person is just saying this for my sympathy or do they really not have time.  In some cases time is limited due to uncontrollable circumstances including disabilities, injuries, and unforeseen problems.  This happens.  But, if you’re watching American Idol, going out to dinner 3-4 times a week and just not focusing in general, your excuse is void.  To get to where you want to be it sometimes takes sacrifice and commitment.

The truth is, is that we all have 24 hours in a day.  We decide what we do with it.  Some of us get to start with a bunch of money, many of us do not.  However, because we all have the same amount of time we all can achieve what we want to achieve.

Scratch this excuse off of your list and you’re on your way to being a more successful you.

I QuitExcuse #2:  I might fail so what’s the point?

I really hope you don’t fall into this excuse zone.  If you do there is still hope for you if you follow this advice.

My 2010, 2011 and 2012 had many failures.  Many things I was working on failed fell through and frankly just didn’t turn out right.  It seemed like one disappointment after another to be quite honest.  It was frustrating, nerve racking and at times a little kick to my ego.

But, you know what?  I’d do it all over again, failures included.  Because, I learned so much along the way that I am now more equipped to grow my success in the future.

You’ve got to drop the “all or nothing” mentality.  Even if it takes you several years longer than you’d like to get to where you want to be, so what you’re growing and that’s great!  Just keep doing it!

Being scared to fail is not an option for you.  If it is, then you better get used to working for someone else or never doing exactly what you love to do.

Scratch failure off your list now.

Frustrated With Your JobExcuse #3:  I don’t have enough money.

You can start a business on less than $100 dollars!  When I first started I didn’t have a lot of money.  And what money I did have was for other things, so I had to be very picky about what I purchased.

I started with $50 dollars, a free WordPress, Facebook and Twitter.  A few months after that I bought an email auto-responder and that was it!

Set aside a small amount of each paycheck even if it’s just $20-$30 to invest in some training it will pay off for you if you work at it.

So much for Excuse #3

BlahExcuse #4:  I’m not smart enough to do do it!

No one is ever really smart in the beginning.  That’s why it take time.  Time is the great healer to being smart.

You just need to be able to read and spend a couple of hours being creative, follow  a mentor and use the advice of someone who is successful at what you want to do.

Try at this, focus on it and push yourself and I bet you’ll be shocked by the fact that you can do this and you will do this.

Scratch this excuse off your list for good this year, you’re smart enough to do anything you want to do if you work at it.

Excuse #5:  All the other excuses fall here.

Look, complaining is so much easier than doing.  Saying you’re going to do it is also much easier than actually doing it.  Destroy your complaints, destroy your wishful thinking and just start getting things done.  Strive for something bigger than yourself and go after your goals; starting NOW.

Scratch your excuses and go after your goals.

You should have no excuses

Because it’s easy to read this and then run off and forget, it helps to verbally or publically state one of your goals.

Go ahead, state one of your goals, get it off your chest and then go after it.  Ready to scratch off your excuses and take your stand?

My success is in Network Marketing or MLM.  My failures has been in Network Marketing or MLM.  My success in Network Marketing or MLM  with a mentor and leaders in the business.  Find your success by watching this  >>> Click HERE

Here’s to your success

Bill Fletcher

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About The Author


Bill Fletcher is a marketing professional and Business Coach. My goal is to help anyone who is interested in building a home base business through a systematic approach to success. Planning-4-Success will guide you with the help of some of the best coaching program available anywhere. We train you with the best professional in all categories of business building and success management.