How To Create Multiple Streams Of Income

How To Create Multiple Streams Of Income

by Bill Fletcher

Are you serious about securing your financial future?

internetThen focus on creating Multiple Streams of Income.

Of course this advice goes against the grain taught by most online gurus, up-line sponsors, coaches and even many financial planners but hang with me here for a few minutes and I’m confident you’ll walk away with a better appreciation about why creating Multiple Steams of Income is not only in your best interest, but how it will greatly increase your odds of having success as well.

Pick One Business Model and Focus

Wouldn’t you be better advised to pick one primary business model and focus 100% of your time and efforts towards building out that one business to give you the best chance of success?

The answer is …Yes and No.

Let’s say you decide to join a well-known network marketing business in the health and wellness arena.

The company has been around for many years, has a proven track record and offers a wide variety of skin care, weight loss and nutritional supplements.

So you get in and get busy promoting your business.

You set up a nice blog and a great looking Facebook Fan page and start driving traffic to your new online business by placing a few “business opportunity seeker” ads.

The ads work and, sure enough, you start getting a few leads.

But, let’s say you get 100 leads and NO ONE joins your team or buys any of your products…

]Frustrated?   How much money have you made?

And since you are ONLY promoting this one business opportunity and you are ONLY promoting products within that one niche  – what are the chances any of those 100 people will come back some time in the future and actually make a purchase?

Creating Multiple Streams of Income

Same scenario…

Only this time let’s ALSO sign up to sell a few “affiliate marketing” programs that are not network marketing related and let’s ALSO sign up to offer tools, training and other “how to build your business” resources as well.

Reality is not every business opportunity seeker will be interested in joining a network marketing program… and not every person will be interested in buying your health and wellness products. But if you are attracting the right people and driving the right traffic to your site – MANY of these people will buy something if you present them with the right offer.

So the ONLY DIFFERENCE is you would add these additional OFFERS to your email follow-ups.  And now you promote these additional products and services to your “opportunity” leads.

Now let’s crunch the numbers again.

Again you get 100 leads who ALL SAY NO to joining your MLM deal but after a week or so of follow up emails about that one program – now they start getting an offer to learn how to make money on Facebook. It’s only a $29 book, but it pays a good $15 commission and, sure enough… two people buy it and one of these also joins the monthly coaching program that pays out another $20 per month.

Next week you send out another email that promises to show them how to generate leads toInternet Marketing 2 promote their current business. And, sure enough, two more people join that program and… viola! You are now enjoying the wonderful benefits of creating Multiple Steams of Internet income!

Putting the Odds of Success in Your Favor

When you learn how to create Multiple Streams of Income you are putting the odds of success in your favor.  Now Image if you have 3 sources of affiliate income, how about 5 maybe even 10… or more.  Can you see how to create success and a future of Living Life Without Limits?  And the best is, you are still creating and promoting your primary business.

Multiple Streams of Internet Income

To recap, not everyone will be interested in joining your business opportunity but some might me interested in creating income from Facebook, Twitter, Blogging and You Tube or they may have a home business already.  You can now show them how to build their business while creating Multiple Steams of Income for yourself.  That’s a great business model.  You can do this effortlessly and automatically.

So just think of all the money you would be leaving on the table if you JUST promoted one product, one service or one business opportunity.

Doesn’t make much sense, now that you know…does it?

Especially when you consider the fact that the ONLY DIFFERENCE, is you are increasing your product offerings. Your marketing model pretty much stays the same.

In fact, I would venture to say it is far EASIER to attract the people who would be most likely to buy your PRIMARY product, service or business opportunity by leading with a variety of tips, tricks, tools, products, services and other opportunities in addition to your primary business. It allows you to cast a wider net.


Here is a great program that not only is a great “Affiliate” program but also feature tools, training and software from a variety of other FREE to join affiliate programs and pull in Multiple Streams of Income from them as well.

Here’s what I would like you to do…spend $9.97 to take a test drive.  If you are not convinced this is the best program available, simply dropout.  However, if you see the future in your life and a new way to generate Multiple Streams of Income as well as building your own Primary Business (if you have one) then stay with it and build a powerful income source.

InfoHere is a FREE Imagine video to help you understand this powerful program. >> See It Here <<



Here’s to your success


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PS:  If you are Curious or looking for a better way to Financial Freedom or you have a Network Marketing Business and want more leads and sign-up, watch this Imagine Video.  Then set back and decide if this “just makes sense”!

PPS:  Thanks Rob for the storyline to this blog and your personal guidance.

About The Author


Bill Fletcher is a marketing professional and Business Coach. My goal is to help anyone who is interested in building a home base business through a systematic approach to success. Planning-4-Success will guide you with the help of some of the best coaching program available anywhere. We train you with the best professional in all categories of business building and success management.