How To Find Keywords | Keywords To Increase Sales


Your writing an article on your blog or creating a YouTube video and you need to place specific keywords in the article or YouTube. How do you find keywords that works, keywords to increase sales in your personal business?

Do you really need to have keywords in your article?

The correct answer is YES but first What Are Keywords?

Keywords (also known as “SEO keywords,” “keyphrases,” or “search queries”) are words and phrases that users type into search engines to find information on a particular topic.

Keyword research helps you find which keywords are best to target and provides valuable insight into the queries that your target audience is actually searching on Google. The insight that you can get into these actual search terms can help inform content strategy as well as your larger marketing strategy.

In many ways, keywords are the foundation of both SEO and pay-per-click (PPC) marketing campaigns.

When it comes to SEO, ranking at the top of Google for your target keyword can bring in a flood of quality, targeted traffic.

Example of a keyword or keyphrase:  Someone is looking to purchase is new car.  They go to Google and type in, “Where to buy a Ford Ranger 150 in Des Moines, Iowa?”

Up comes car dealers in Des Moines where you can go to see Ford Rangers.

Or you are an Internet marketer and you need to search for a keyword to help in finding quality people who will buy your products.

You have two way, use Google to find your keywords as in the example above or use a Keyword Tool


What if you could find a way to consistently present your BEST OFFERS to your hottest prospects when they are literally searching and shopping for whatever it is you are offering?

Do you think that would have a positive impact your business bottom line?

Using “buying keywords” to rank on the front page on all the major search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo and even YouTube is one of the most powerful ways to attract a target market audience that converts.


Buying keywords are the words and phrases people use when conducting a search to buy products or services online. Buying keywords indicate intent. It says, “I’m read to buy”, ‘I’m ready to purchase”, ‘I’m ready

What Are Buying Keywords?

to order” that indicate the person making the search in REAL TIME and getting ready to whip out their credit card and BUY something… from somebody.

That ‘somebody’ should be YOU, right?


People do not like to be sold, but we certainly LOVE to buy things!

The human BUYING CYCLE can be broken down into four distinct stages:

  • Awareness of Challenge, Pain or Problem
  • Research & Information Gathering
  • Solution Comparison & Risk Reduction
  • Purchase

In the first phase a potential prospect becomes aware of a problem. For example…

A new pet owner suddenly discovers their dog has fleas or the PROBLEM/PAIN phase

This realization brings up any number of questions like How To Resolve? They enter RESEARCH phase:

  • What are fleas?
  • How do I get rid of fleas?
  • What else do I need to do to resolve this problem?

During the research phase your PROSPECTS will be introduced to different products and services and will start to make COMPARISON phase between the various products: Benefit, Features, Cost, Application…etc.

Comparison searches are now starting to lean HEAVILY toward becoming a “BUYING KEYWORD” phrase with intent, because the consumer has begun to NARROW DOWN their final consideration list.

The final phase is evidenced when the consumer starts searching for a way to actually PURCHASE online! and, ideally, this is exactly where you want to make sure your OFFER ranks front and center and you earn the click.


Jaaxy is a keyword research tool developed by affiliate marketers FOR affiliate marketers. Jaaxy makes it very easy to discover the exact words and phrases your BEST PROSPECTS actually TYPE IN when searching for and buying whatever it is you promote online.

However Jaaxy can be used for anything in searching the Internet.

Here is an example of keywords using Jaaxy for Dog Fleas.  I typed in Dog Fleas and receive the follow:

  • dog fleas treatment
  • Home Remedies Dog Fleas
  • Getting Rid Of Dog Fleas
  • Dog Flea Products
  • Dog Fleas And Humans
  • Dog Flea Shampoo
  • Dog Fleas In House

Each one of these keywords could be further researched.  I will click on Dog Flea Shampoo:

  • Best Dog Flea Shampoo
  • Natural Dog Flea Shampoo
  • Home Made Dog Flea Shampoo
  • DYI Dog Flea Shampoo

Now each one of these could be further research.  To beat your competition, keep digging further until you get a good list of keywords,

Once you have a prioritized buyer intent keyword list, use that list as a guide to create content that converts.

You may be able to create one ‘authority post’ and cover most, if not all, of the keywords with obvious buying intent in one post – but don’t count on it. Due your due diligence when researching. Don’t be lazy. Dig deeper than the competition is willing to dig and you will find treasure that will forever remain hidden from the competition.

Create multiple articles using the keyword you researched.  However, avoid “Keyword Stuffing.”

Every product, service, niche or target market will have a particular set of unique buyer keywords and buying intent keywords they use on a regular basis.

I highly recommend Jaaxy for your keyword research tool.  It’s easy and precise.

More About Jaaxy

To Beat Your Competition, You Need to Know More Than Them

For a better word, Jaaxy is going to allow you to “spy” on your competition and probe into WHY their websites are ranking, where they are ranking, and you will get insightful data into their website’s content structure, meta tags, content quality/length, backlinks, ad placements, along with other information that the competition simply doesn’t want you to have. Plain and simple, this information is going to give you a competitive edge.


With over 500 Million “brand new” search terms being searched every day, it is important that you have a keyword tool that can offer accurate traffic, competition, and domain insights into billions of keywords. Jaaxy is that tool.

With the Keyword Research Tool, you are going to be able to quickly discover unique, hot and untouched keywords that you will then be able to use to drive your SEO and PPC campaigns to new heights.

Niches, Exposed & Uncovered

There are literally millions of niches online, many of which have little to no competition. Having access to the Brainstorm, Affiliate Search, and Alphabet Soup platforms within Jaaxy are going to give you true insights into brand new niches…without you having to do the dirty work.

Whether you are looking for a new business idea or looking to dig into the deepest corners of your existing niche, Jaaxy is going to be your power tool.


Until next time, thanks for reading,


About The Author


Bill Fletcher is a marketing professional and Business Coach. My goal is to help anyone who is interested in building a home base business through a systematic approach to success. Planning-4-Success will guide you with the help of some of the best coaching program available anywhere. We train you with the best professional in all categories of business building and success management.