How to prospect in network marketing
Let’s face it, prospecting isn’t a lot of fun for most network marketers.
In fact, it can be downright terrifying!!!
Contacting your friends and family is awkward. And even worse is contacting acquaintances, your old high school classmates or the parents on your kids soccer team. Unfortunately this is how most network marketing companies and your up-line will tell you how to start your MLM business.
And it’s not really any better when a prospect does call you. Your mouth dries up, your palms get sweaty and worst of all, your mind goes blank. So you just try to say everything you can think of about your business or product as your prospect is looking for the proverbial exit.
More often than not the end result is the same… the prospect doesn’t buy and they don’t join you in business and you convince yourself that prospecting sucks. There is a solution to this dilemma that I will reveal later.
As a network marketing professional I’ve observed one consistent factor over and over again…
How well you do in prospecting will directly determine how well you do in your business.
No other single factor accounts for so much…
…its not how well you can build a website, how good you are at running ads or generating leads not even how good you are at writing blog posts or creating video’s. Nothing trumps prospecting skills when it comes to how much money you will make with your business. Here’s why…
Prospecting Is A Skill
Prospecting is fun once you know how…Prospecting is the life blood of any successful business…Prospecting is VERY EASY…
One thing that’s true for ALL long term successful organizations is that they are based on interpersonal relationships – more so than on anything else.
Yes, some organizations have been built due to the strength of a single persons marketing or because they caught a trend at just the right time… but they never last more than a few years.
Study after study shows that the people that have the most long term success in network marketing are the ones that do well in prospecting – they are able to connect with people on a real human level.
The organizations that last and abound with vibrant members are the ones that exemplify the caring and personal nature of network marketing. And the foundations of successful relationships are built in prospecting that are teachable.
The reason your network marketing may not be growing is because…
Pitching Hype Creates Sales At The Expense Of The Relationship
If you listen to what’s popular today, you’d be convinced that if you made just the right promises..pitch..pitch..pitch your business, people would join you in droves. This could not be further from the truth.
The problem is that those promises quickly turn to hype. Most ads and landing pages for network marketing opportunities are saturated with hype and overblown promises.
Ask any person critical of network marketing what their core issue really is and it will come down to network marketing living up to it’s promises.
But who’s at fault? Think about that for a second and hold on to it, because It’s not the fault of network marketing itself nor the company.
You see, hype can spur sales. But it does so at the expense of future business. It assumes that the prospect is gullible… even dumb and that their desire for a quick fix will outweigh their better judgment.
The problem is that once your prospect realizes that you cannot deliver on your promises they will bail – that means no reorders, no referrals and definitely no promotion. In fact, what they will do is go out of their way to tell others of their bad experience.
This is why systems collapse!
Think about it… when was the last time you got enthusiastic after you realized that things were not as easy as promised. And now add to that the fact that 3 out of 4 people are abandoned by their sponsor and up-line as soon as they join a company and you can now see for yourself the importance of honest prospecting skills.
The #1 investment you can make into your own success – into the success of your entire network marketing organization – is to master the art of prospecting.
Nothing else will boost the results you get from your promotions, blogs, ads, cold calls, videos, email or any point you communicate with prospects. Why? Because our prospecting approach allows you to reach out to the prospect in the way they want to be reached out to.
Find out what they want and not what you want them to do. Promote the things they want and show them how to achieve it.
In essence you stop trying to market and convince them into your business and simply engage them in something they already want to be engaged in. Find their WANT.
Here’s why prospecting skills build network marketing empires…
When you resort to hype you setup a chain reaction that requires you to be a “sponsor monster” in order to succeed. And because there is little to no duplication you not only need to do everything yourself… the moment you stop your income starts to freefall.
That’s hardly the network marketing dream, is it?
Real network marketing is about everyone doing a little… not a lot. Step number one is simply to break even. This doesn’t take a lot if distributors or customers. In fact most marketers can do this with just a handful of customers.
Once you break even you have the hands on experience to help your business builders repeat this process. The end result is an organization filled with active builders that each have active customers.
The problem is that traditional prospecting methods pretty much kill your warm market while making working with leads or prospects calling from ads about a hundred times more difficult than it really should be.
We will show you how to have prospects calling you wanting to join you in your business.
This is why one company devoted its time, energy and dedication to helping others with the skills needed to start and grow a successful network marketing business through Attraction Marketing.
Learn Relaxed, No Hype, Natural Prospecting.
Frankly, we’re sick of seeing hopes and dreams go up in smoke because of some pretty crazy prospecting advice.
My Lead System Pro (MLSP) has created hundreds of tips, guides, “how to” to be used as a guide to your business as well as your success. Additionally My Lead System Pro conducts weekly Webinars with expert network marketing builders who will teach you and me how they did it. These Webinars are then recorded so that we can go back and review them later
Names like Mike Dillard, Tim Erway, Ray Higdon, Rob Fore, Tracy Walker, David Wood, Michelle Pescosolido and a host of other will tell you how they built their business as well as teach you how to use the techniques they use every day. Learn Facebook Marketing, Article Marketing, Twitter Marketing, Blogging and other Social Network Marketing from those who have actually done it. Here is just a sample of what just one of those Webinars will teach you…..Click HERE
Ray Higson, Rob Fore, Mike Dillard and Michelle Pescosolido
Ray Higdon is a master Blogger, Coach and Business Builder in network marketing. Ray will show you step-by-step what he does every day. Rob Fore is a master in Affiliate Marketing and SEO expert. Rob will show you how he went from broke to creating 6 figure income, in a number of business all from home. Mike Dillard is the founder of Attraction Marketing. Mike will guide you to success with the skills needed to attract qualified prospects. Want to know how to use Facebook? Mischelle is the known expert in Facebook marketing.
The best part is that they do this training for you and me FREE in Webinars.
MLSP has made this possible through a membership. To make it even better, MLSP is also an Affiliate Program. As Rob Fore will say, he makes more money in one month from his MLSP Affiliate Marketing than most people make in a year and he will show you how.
If you want to make a change in your life, your financial future you must take a peak at MLSP. Take a TEST DRIVE for under $10.00. Then decide what you want to do.
I’m so confident this program will blow your socks off that I suggest you take the test drive today while you are thinking of it. Here’s a FREE look at just one of the Webinars that is waiting for you.
Imagine actually looking forward to prospecting. To building a team of friends all around the country and globe. People with a common mission – positive and upbeat. That’s what mastering the art of prospecting can do for you!
Here’s to your success,
Bill Fletcher
PS: Want more from you network marketing business? Or do you want an Affiliate program that has a proven success record? Maybe you want to know more on Facebook Marketing, Article Marketing, Blogging, You Tube, then My Lead System Pro is your way to financial success.
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