How To Prospect & Recruit On Social Media

My good friend Ferny Ceballos wrote an article called, “The Problem With Prospecting & Recruiting On Social Media.”

While I don’t like to copy someone else’s work, I thought the article was timely on the use of Social Media.

Here are some excerpts from that article:

There is a VERY fine line between prospecting on social media and spamming people. I’m sorry to say that most network marketers have been turned into human spam bots by their upline and company leaders…

Disposable distributors’ tasked with the job of spreading the word about their company’s products or opportunity, at the expense of the individual’s reputation and risking the suspension of their social media accounts.

Just recently, I asked affiliates of my company to share examples of the WRONG WAY to prospect online, by sending me screenshots of the poor attempts at prospecting they receive every day…

Successful entrepreneurs and networkers alike eventually learn the true secret to success and it becomes the foundation upon which their entire prospecting, recruiting and business building strategy is founded.

That secret being:


“People don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care” – Theodore Roosevelt

t’s about actually caring about people, becoming a person of value and being someone uniquely positioned to help someone with their problems.”

Prospecting and Recruiting

That was a great start to understanding Prospecting and Recruiting.  In my own business, before I ever talk about my product or business opportunity, I “interview” my prospect.

What does that mean?  Well first I tell them who I am and a brief story about myself.  How I got started in Network Marketing and specifically Affiliate Marketing.  I then want to know more about my prospect.  “What are they looking for?”  “How much time can they devote in building a home based business?”  “How serious they are or just a passing fancy?”  “What will you do with the money they make from their business?”  “When can you start?”

By knowing me and developing trust, the prospect will feel more comfortable.  Knowing my prospect, I get to know if Network Marketing is a good choice for them.

Ferny continued with Warning Signs.

“Top 5 Warning Signs That Your Prospecting Efforts are Actually SPAM

1) You first private message to a stranger on social media includes a link to join your opportunity.

2) You get angry replies via private messaging and/or you have been reported as a spammer.

3) You post links to your opportunity or website in the comments section of other people’s social media posts

4) You compulsively want to talk about your company or products, without anyone asking you to share.

Finally… this one is the most important one…

5) You engage in interactions online, with a hidden agenda, hoping to transition the topic to something that would get people interested in your opportunity, without caring about knowing the other person.

This last one for me is a big one but could also be controversial.

After all, #5 is the very definition of prospecting (online or offline), which even when done right… can still feel awkward, result in people getting angry at you and very unleveraged, which is why I eventually decided to stop prospecting all together.

But here’s the interesting thing…

This strategy is called ‘attraction marketing’, which is an internet marketing strategy designed for networkers and people in direct sales!

You see, if your business depends on you being on social media, sending private messages or commenting on people’s posts all day, you are NOT doing internet marketing… despite what you may have been led to believe.

Online prospecting and internet marketing are NOT the same thing!



Internet marketing is a passive strategy, which works, even when you are not.

If you want to learn how it works, I actually reveal the entire strategy I’ve used for the past 8 years, in a free 10-Day Online Recruiting Bootcamp available here.

Now if traditional prospecting online or offline is your thing and you want to stick to that, by all means, go for it.”

Thanks Ferny

I personally use Attraction Marketing every day.  Even if I am shopping I always try to make friends.

Attraction marketing online is becoming the standard in which anyone anywhere can create a lucrative business by using certain strategies. When I first learned of online marketing, I wasn’t sure what that meant. Like many of you, I thought it was about having something to sell online and that was it. But over time, I began to take notice of how successful marketers were implementing strategies to reap huge success in their business.

How To Prospect & Recruit On Social Media is very easy an rewarding when done correctly.

To grow your Network Business Opportunity or MLM Business, Attraction Marketing is the only way to build a successful program.

Take a full 10 Day Online Bootcamp and learn,

  • How to use Google & Facebook to generate leads
  • How to become the hunted, instead of the hunter
  • How To Get Leads & Prospects to Call YOU About Your Business

Thanks to my good friend Ferny Ceballos for this article.  Take The 10 Day Attraction Marketing Bootcamp and see what Attraction Marketing will do for your business.

I invite you to start your Bootcamp by clicking the RED button.

Click Here For More Information

To your success,


Bill Fletcher

About The Author


Bill Fletcher is a marketing professional and Business Coach. My goal is to help anyone who is interested in building a home base business through a systematic approach to success. Planning-4-Success will guide you with the help of some of the best coaching program available anywhere. We train you with the best professional in all categories of business building and success management.