Inside My Lead System Pro

Inside My Lead System Pro

By | Bill Fletcher

What You Have Stumbled Onto Is The Exact System That I Use Every Day That Can Generate Thousands of Laser Targeted Leads Every Month On Auto Pilot. I Went From No Direction  and Lack of Focus Struggling Network Marketer To A Family Man Pursuing Living His Life And His Dreams On A Daily Basis!   And You Can To!!

What is My Lead System Pro?

My Lead System Pro (MLSP) is an attraction marketing system that allows you to plug into a very powerful community and use a paint-by-numbers approach to brand yourself online. Before MLSP there have been many other “so-called” mlm systems but usually they would brand the creator of that system or was just too limited in what the system covered. MLSP is a full course meal for the person wanting to become an online brand in the network marketing space.

My Lead System Pro is nothing more than a highly optimized “funded proposal” online system popularized by Mike Dillard in his book Magnetic Sponsoring.

Here’s the concept behind My Lead System Pro…

Building a profitable network marketing business all comes down to doing three things well:

  • Connect with people you know and people you don’t know,
  • Guide them to a simple presentation about your products and opportunity, and
  • Follow up to get their decision.

That’s it! That’s where all the BIG MONEY is in network marketing – sponsoring and recruiting.

Simple?  Not Really..

The challenge is EVERYONE … me, you, and everyone on your team… will eventually blow through their warm market. We will eventually present our opportunity to everyone we know – family, friends and co-workers. So now what?   But before I get into that…

Here Are Some Questions About My Lead System Pro

Q: Is it MLSP  simple to setup?
A: That kind of depends on you. If you are a little bit technical, you can certainly follow the step by step videos and get it setup.  I simply followed the videos, copied and pasted my way through the set-up.  It took me a couple of days, but it was all done and I was ready to Market.

Q: Does My Lead System Pro, try to sell you other stuff?
A:  Would you cut your yard with a pair of scissors?  Of course not.  Buying a lawn mower will same you time and get the job done faster.  Will MLSP offer tools to help you get the job done quicker and faster?  Yes!  The option is your, but I suggest you purchase some of the tools that will contribute to your success.  The problem with network marketers is they want to do everything for FREE.  FREE is nice but not effective.  You don’t have to go overboard until you start making money.

Q: I’ve heard that MLSP will distract from building my Network Marketing Business?
A: If you let it, yes it can. The main reason many use My Lead System Pro is they constantly preach that their system is there to help you build your network marketing company.  The keyword there is they HELP.   But what I like, is if someone says NO to my primary business, they may say YES to My Lead System Pro.  It’s a win-win situation for both me and my prospect. My suggestion is to MANAGE YOUR TIME.  If you manage your time properly, you can build an incredible MLM business at the same time that you brand yourself online.

Q: How is the support in My Lead System Pro?
A: What I have found is a lot of people join MLSP but never reach out to their sponsor. If you are in My Lead System Pro, and you are serious about it, I would suggest reaching out to your sponsor and getting their help. I tell my team that the videos walk them through the technical stuff but I will give guidance and marketing strategy advice, which is what most people need to hear anyway. To support your efforts, My Lead System Pro offers,  Daily Wake Up Calls, Weekly Webinars with top network marketers like Ray Higdon, Rob Fore, David Wood and many others.  These Webinars are FREE.  Picking up a small Nugget of information from these leaders can propel your business to unbelievable heights.


I QuitThis problem tends to not only get people down and stressed but it also causes people to give up and quit before they even get a chance to reap the rewards.

Ask yourself… do any of these statements sound familiar:



“If I could get just get some leads I could quit my job”

“If someone would join I could grow”

“If I had more time, my business will take off”

“If only more people could see the advantage in my business”

Did you catch the common line?  IF.  As long as you are saying IF you will never grow.  Everyone has an IF.  The best advice is to forget the if and just do it.  Buy doing you will find a way to remove all your obsitacial. My Lead System Pro will help remove the IF’s by giving focus to your daily routine and marketing.

Without a doubt the answer to a successful business is… leads, leads, and more leads.

Here is a simple formula:

No Leads..No Sign ups.. No Sales..No New Distributors = NO MONEY IN YOUR BANK ACCOUNT!

Leads are the life blood to that luxurious house you want, the  new car and travel.  Without quality leads, your “house” will not be built.

Until you get your daily lead flow under control and constantly coming in, you have no one to show the business to and growing will be impossible.  You are on that fast track to NO Where.

How To Get Leads and Make Money With My Lead System Pro?

Let me begin by saying, no matter who you are, or your opportunity, not everyone is going to join your network marketing business.  However, If you are a member of My Lead System Pro, you can turn those NO’s into money!

When talking to someone who is fired up about their business opportunity, the yummy shake, juicy juice the vitamins or whatever and they’re not sure if they want to join My Company  I ask them this question…“How are you doing with generating leads online?”

In most cases they have no idea how to generate new leads. I simply respond that I use a lead generating system, called My Lead System pro.  If they would like, I will send them a video that explains what I do.  I would estimate about 30% of the people that DIDN’T join my company end up joining MLSP.  What if you could take 30% of the people that told you No and make money. Well, you can. To learn more about MLSP, visit the video I send people to – MLSP Overview Video

Now here’s the best part, they join your business, you plug them into My Lead System Pro, they become successful you both make money.  Remember it’s leads that build business.

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PS:  If you enjoyed this post please comment and share. Again if you want more about My Lead System Pro take a Test Drive for less than $10.00.  Click HERE for your Test Drive.

About The Author


Bill Fletcher is a marketing professional and Business Coach. My goal is to help anyone who is interested in building a home base business through a systematic approach to success. Planning-4-Success will guide you with the help of some of the best coaching program available anywhere. We train you with the best professional in all categories of business building and success management.