Looking To Start A Tech Blog? Try These Tips!

Looking To Start A Tech Blog? Try These Tips!

By Bill Fletcher

Running A Blog is fun and can make you money.   You can find a number of different sites online that can help you get started as a blogger. The following article will give you some great advice about starting a blog or improving your current one. Read them, and enjoy!

Search engine optimization (SEO) is just as critical for a blog as it is any web site. Your goal, of course, is to get people to your site. Most will likely have to get there through the search engines, so ranking is very important. Choose keywords relevant to your topic, and use them throughout blog posts and titles to boost readership.

TIP! You should add to your blog as often as possible. Many new to blogging make the mistake of starting up a blog and then failing to update it enough.

Commenting on the posts other bloggers create can spark interest in the content you post on your blog. Google Reader is a great way to organize and manage other interesting but related blogs. Make sure to leave comments on them regularly, whenever you have something interesting to offer.

Don’t let running a blog consume you; continue doing other activities not related to writing a blog. If you don’t take a break, you run the risk of burning out. Go outside and take a walk, take a few minutes to breathe in some fresh air or visit some friends. This time will let you come back to your blog ready to produce some great content.

Be sincere and authentic in your blog. Don’t offend your reader’s intelligence. Try to appear honest, open, and transparent. Make this your goal. Your blog is a revelation of who you really are. Strive for improvement not perfection. Never be afraid to admit that you have made a mistake, and never be afraid to reply to a reader who might have authoritative information to share with your other readers. Remember, you are not infallible, but you are unique.

TIP! Make sure your blog is updated often. New content on a regular basis is the only way that your blog will experience an increase of viewers.

Avoid infrequent blog posts if you want to keep your readers interested and invite repeat visitors. A quality blog has at least one post per day. A smart step to prepare for an aggressive posting schedule like this is building up a backlog of two weeks’ worth of posts before you start blogging. Then you can use one from this backlog of posts for the days you can’t seem to come up with anything to say. When you’re getting writer’s block, you can use posts like these to help fill some of the gaps.

Your blog needs to be kept in tip top condition at all times. This simply means performing the regular maintenance a blog page requires for smooth operation and posting highly interesting, updated content. This will prevent your followers from becoming dissatisfied with your blog and possibly losing interest in visiting your site.

When it comes to gaining traffic on your blog, you need to focus on providing interesting, informed and inspirational articles. Users will return if you provide honest and high quality content.

TIP! Don’t forget your life that is not blog related! It’s very easy to burnout if you jump in head first and spend the bulk of your time blogging. You need to take a bit of time away from it to stay sane.

Don’t write content just for the sake of getting words on the pages. Your articles need to be well researched and relevant to your target audience and keywords. If you write about topics that are wrong for your blog, or those in which you aren’t interested, you probably won’t enjoy much success. Keep in mind at all times that the way to be successful is through content.

The above tips can help you to improve your blog in a wide variety of ways. Use the ideas here and you can have a blog that both you and your visitors enjoy. Start following them today, and you will be sure to be ahead of the competition.

To your success,

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Bill H. Fletcher, EzineArticles Basic PLUS Author

About The Author


Bill Fletcher is a marketing professional and Business Coach. My goal is to help anyone who is interested in building a home base business through a systematic approach to success. Planning-4-Success will guide you with the help of some of the best coaching program available anywhere. We train you with the best professional in all categories of business building and success management.