Network Marketing Overview

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Network Marketing Overview

Network marketing is one of the hottest industries out there. It functions on the idea that you sell products to people who in turn sell to other people who sell to other people . . . and so on. Network marketing programs feature a minimal upfront investment–usually a few hundred dollars or less for the purchase of a product sample kit–which gives you the opportunity to sell the product line directly to family, friends and other contacts.

Most network programs also ask that you recruit other sales reps–those same family members, friends and acquaintances. These sales rep recruits constitute your ‘downline,’ and their sales generate income for you. Then whoever they recruit becomes part of their downline as well as yours, generating income for them as well as for you.

So the more people you bring on board, the better your income potential. If you’re a savvy person who can show others of the beauty of this plan and keep them selling sales memberships (as well as products), you can earn a substantial amount of money. Many people in MLM or Network Marketing are earning many thousands of dollars per month on either a part-time or full-time efforts.

You’ve got lots of network marketing plans to choose from.

The most popular sell health supplements and beauty aids, but you can go with everything from long-distance phone services to fine art prints. The advantages to this business are that start-up costs are minimal, hours are flexible, you can start part-time and you can work from home.

About the only thing you need in this business is a sense of leadership. If you’ve got a background in developing friendships, you’re ahead of the game, but if not, you can still succeed with just a little coaching. Just make sure you believe in the products and the company you’re working with. Honest enthusiasm goes a long way toward showing others how to succeed in their business.

The Market

Your customers will be anybody and everybody you know or meet.

Most network marketers start off soliciting friends and family. This may not be the best way of starting your business, but it does give you practice. If there are others working for the same company in your area, they may have organized weekly meetings at which business owners and prospects gather to cheer each other on and sign up new members. If so, make it a point to attend with your own prospects. It’s harder for people to decline your invitation to join in a room full of other enthusiastic newbies.

In this business, it’s important to keep your distributors motivated.

Don’t sell them a membership and ignore them, or they’re liable to drop down out. Talk to them often about how they’re doing. Go with them on prospecting calls to offer moral support and enthusiasm and help sign up prospects.

Many network marketers sell via the party plan. It’s easy and it’s fun. Have a host or hostess invite friends to sample your products. You sell products, sign people up and the party-giver gets a free gift or a discount on her purchases.

However the Internet has changed the way most successful people develop their business.

With the Internet, you can very easily have a global business within months or years.  Using the Old Way of marketing is frustrating and you can become distracted.  Buy focusing your efforts and using a proven marketing system just about anyone who is serious can succeed.

Needed Equipment

You don’t need any special tools or equipment, except for a phone to keep in touch with your distributors, a computer for social media marketing such as Facebook, Twitter, My Space, Linkin and a host of others and emails..  parent company and prospects and a car to go out and sign people up and attend the weekly meetings that are a feature of this business.

Blueprint for Success

Successful network marketing requires many skills.

Skills in developing friendships, trust and leadership.  Network Marketing is or can be very profitable.  Successful people in MLM use a variety of techniques to get people to follow them and join their business.  This blueprint for success is easy to get and will give you a lifetime of training.

Two of the most successful programs available for network marketers are Elite Marketing Pro and Attraction Marketing Formula.  With either or both programs, you are almost guaranteed success in your Network Marketing Program.

Here’s to your success

PS:  Take a look at Elite Marketing Pro’s Attraction Marketing Formula .  If you are serious, and I know your are, this is a killer program.

About The Author


Bill Fletcher is a marketing professional and Business Coach. My goal is to help anyone who is interested in building a home base business through a systematic approach to success. Planning-4-Success will guide you with the help of some of the best coaching program available anywhere. We train you with the best professional in all categories of business building and success management.