How To Start An Affiliate Marketing Business Part 1


Home Based Business

Home Based Business

Affiliate Marketing along with Network Marketing is the one true home based business you can start part-time and earn a full-time income.  Another advantage is the low start-up cost and the potential of earning hundreds or even hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Here I will be discussing “How To Start An Affiliate Marketing Business.”

Other articles will be devoted to Network Marketing.

Affiliate Marketing and Network Marketing has no boundaries on education.

As with many traditional companies, your resume and education is what may get you your job.  In Affiliate marketing and Network Marketing many millionaires have little or no college.  What they have is a desire to own their own business and enjoy financial freedom on their terms.

While I like and enjoy Network Marketing and the love of “Multi-Level Marketing” I am a little bias on Affiliate Marketing.  Knowing this I am going to direct this article on Affiliate Marketing and the many advantages Affiliate Marketing offers.

One of the many advantages of Affiliate Marketing as well as MLM is “people helping people.” This is the only profession that I know of where this will never be truer than in any other profession or career path.

Knowing what to research and review for the top Affiliate companies can literally make or break your entire experience and enthusiasm for building, creating, and crafting a successful home based business or work at home opportunity.

In this article I will discuss several issue and suggestions.  How to start?  As with any business start at the beginning.  It’s not complicated.  You just need to start.

Here is what we are going to discuss:

  • How To Find The Right Affiliate Company.
  • How To Get Started With Affiliate Marketing.
  • Advantages Of Affiliate Marketing.
  • Be Careful In Selecting A Home Based Affiliate Marketing Business.
  • How To Succeed In Affiliate Marketing.
  • Choosing The Best Affiliate Company.
  • Time And Money.
  • Conclusion.
  • Final Word.

That’s a lot of subjects.  However if you’re really serious about Affiliate Marketing and making money working at home, you will want to read all the points.  Can you make money with Affiliate Marketing?  Of Course…but.  As with any home based business, it takes time, dedication, focus and ATTITUDE.  Attitude, “I will do whatever is necessary and correct to build my Affiliate Business.”

For the sake of reading, I have broken this article into 2 parts.  At the end of each part is a discussion and exercise to help you determine if Affiliate Marketing is the right choice as well as “Can I Do This?” thoughts.

With that out of the way let’s start your journey in Affiliate Marketing and finally making money with your very own Home Based Business.

How To Find The Right Affiliate Company

Affiliate Marketing is one of the few remaining programs in the world today where the average person can start a home based business and build it into a wealth empire. Someone with the right motivation, right attitude and right skills can quickly generate a lot of income through Affiliate Marketing part-time with a full-time income.

The question is, “But if Affiliate Marketing was easy, then everyone would be doing it.”  Not exactly.  Work at Home or a Home Based Business along with Affiliate Marketing is not for everyone.  The person who can make this work is the person who wants more than a 9-5 job.  The person who is sick of the drive time, politics, small pay raises, asking for permission to take a day off.  The person who is driven by financial freedom and a lifestyle different that his/her neighbors is the person who is right for being an entrepreneur.

So how do you find the right Affiliate Company?

Grab a pencil and paper….go ahead, I’ll wait.  Got it….good.

  • What are you interested in?  There is probability an Affiliate Company with that product or service.
  • What kind of time can you put in?  It will take time to build your business.
  • What is your Knowledge?  Choosing the right Affiliate Company with training or No training will determine your level of success.
  • Who is the Owner/s?  What is the background of the owner/s and the management staff? What experience do they have?
  • What is the product or service?  Is the product or service the company offers in demand?
  • Will I get Coaching or Mentors to help me build my business?  If you have little or no experience this could be the “make or break” decision.
  • Am I willing to give up some of my free time to build my business?  This will take time away from family and every day activities.  Are you Willing?
  • Does the Affiliate Company allow me to recruit other affiliates?  Here is a decision.  Some Affiliate Program only offers a product to sell.  Others offer a product to sell as well as building a residual income. Personal preference:  I want to build a residual income that will go on for as long as I own my business.

If you Google search you will find hundreds of Affiliate Companies.  The worst thing you can do is to jump into a program without doing your “do diligent” and research the company, management, offerings, commission structure and program.

Remember your paper exercise above?  You need to answer all the questions to your satisfaction before ever committing to your Affiliate Company.  Remember this is your home based business, your income, your possible future.  Don’t gamble or waste your time with something that could fail.  Remember, the company will be there when you’re ready to make the decision to join.

How to Get Started with Affiliate Marketing

Getting started with most Affiliate Marketing Companies is relatively easy.  Follow this simple step-by-step guide:

Step 1) Find an Affiliate Marketing company that caters to your skills and interests.

Step 2) Join that Affiliate Marketing Company through an existing affiliate or on your own.

Step 3) Offer the companies Affiliate products to other people and earn commissions.

Step 4) Repeat step 3.

Step 4) Build your network to allow other people earning residual income on your behalf

Of course, the steps listed above aren’t always as easy as they seem. Finding the right Affiliate Marketing Company can be difficult. Sorting through scammers can seem virtually impossible. And finding a trustworthy business partner or affiliate can be the hardest part.  And we haven’t even started talking about how to actually offer Affiliate Marketing products yet!

Follow your paper exercise above and the Step 1-2-3-4 and you’re on a path to building a great financial future.

This is the end of How To Start An Affiliate Marketing Business Part 1.

In this article we learned how to select an affiliate business, we also wrote down what to look for when looking for an affiliate marketing company.  Finally, there are 4 steps in How to get started with affiliate marketing,

Can you make money with affiliate marketing?  The quick answer is YES.  However there are some qualifications to this answer.

  • Are you serious in starting an affiliate business?
  • Are you looking for a quick return on your investment?
  • Are you discipline enough to building a part-time business?
  • Are you focused?
  • Can you ignore distractions?

Why the questions?  If you can answer YES to all of the questions you have a great chance in building a strong affiliate marketing business.

Like anything else, it will take time, discipline, focus, and dedication.

Here is your exercise.  Be sure to do this before going on to Part 2.

If you have not written your requirements for selecting your interest and desires for a Home Based Business and an Affiliate Program do that now.  That was the pencil and paper exercise above.

On a Zero to Ten where is your desire?  Zero not interested and Ten, this is something I want.  Remember Affiliate Marketing, Network Marketing and Work From Home is not for everyone. If it is not right for you Say It..don’t kid yourself into something of no interest or maybe a hobby.

Google research ten (10) Affiliate Companies.  Draw a line on your paper pad and answer these questions:…interested…commission structure…product offer…founder/s and management…coaching and/or personal training…product demand…read testimonials…cost of the program.  Do this for each company and soon you will find a pattern.

This is important.  Choosing the right program will give you a head start that many people simply don’t do.  How do I know?  I have made the mistakes.  That was until I did the above.  Now I am involved in a program that I love with great products, high demand and personal coaching.  And making money with my Home Based Business.

CLICK HERE FOR PART 2…Top Affiliate Marketing Businesses & How To Start


About The Author


Bill Fletcher is a marketing professional and Business Coach. My goal is to help anyone who is interested in building a home base business through a systematic approach to success. Planning-4-Success will guide you with the help of some of the best coaching program available anywhere. We train you with the best professional in all categories of business building and success management.