How To Start A Successful Home Based Blogging Business

How To Start A Successful

Home Based Blogging Business

By Bill Fletcher


Successful blogging is nothing more than a means of communicating effectively with your distributors, customers, affiliates and a lead generation system.  Do not let the idea of this new form of technology make you feel uncomfortable.  Blogging is as easy tying your shoes, as fun as going to the beach and can be very rewarding in terms of money.  Embrace blogging with enthusiasm and a positive approach, by employing “How To Start A Successful Home Based Blogging Business” as outlined, you are well on your way to making money through blogging.

Your Home Based Business

When you have a business whether it’s a network marketing, affiliate marketing or brick and mortar business or any home based business, you need a blog to market your business.  Good quality traffic is what you are looking for.  You can get good qualified leads by following a few proven strategies.  Marketing strategies change almost daily, so you need to keep studying and learning how these changes may effect your marketing. Market your blog with a link to your business and you will start to see traffic and ultimately sales.

Search Engine Optimization or SEO

Attraction Marketing System

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is critical to your business.  Be sure that you have a SEO friendly theme, plug-ins and a good template. This will allow your blog to load quickly. The faster your blog loads, the more people are going to be willing to look at it.  If a page takes to long to load, more than likely a visitor will just close the page and you lost a sale.

We show these strategies and much more with a blogging system already set-up and ready to go.  Get Started With Your Powerful Blog HERE

Entertain, Inform, Educate, Offer Humor and Value

A good blogger will inform, entertain, educate, offer humor and something of value in the article.  The question I get here is “Do I have to be an expert in the subject?  My answer is “Not really”.  Some knowledge is best, but you can get that knowledge through studies, though, the Internet and through talking with people.  Try to Google a subject, read a book or article on the subject you wish to write and blog about what you’ve just learned.

You will soon find that you become the expert that everyone is looking for.

In an earlier article, I spoke of a friend who writes about radiators.  Was he an expert when he started…no.  Is he an expert today…yes.  Why?  He learned through books other articles and visiting with the manufactures of radiators.

The five things your blog should do is

  • Entertain
  • Inform
  • Educate
  • Humor
  • Value

Give your readers one of or all of the five areas and you will have a loyal reader and a possible sale to your product or affiliate product.

Internet Marketer List Building

If you are an Internet marketer, and your really should, use your blog to build your email list.

Mail List
Money Is InThe List

It has been said “the money is in the list”.  The statement is more true today that at any time.  Can you build a good business with out a list? Maybe.  But today that is a lot harder than yesterday.  A successful home base business is not confined to your city as it was with the Mom and Pop Stores.  Your home business today is World Wide.

Lets say you come across a product you would like to offer to your email list.  Without a list of current contacts, you are starting all over again.  A very well known Affiliate marketer has an email list of over 300,000 people.  When he is ready to introduce a new product, 300,000 people get a message.  Does he make money with his list…of course he does.   In fact he makes a lot of money with one simple email.

“Build a list and your home business will become very successful”

You Don’t have To Be An Expert

You Can BeA Leader

This should be good news to people afraid to become a blogger.  You don’t have to be an expert, you just have to know “a little more”.  Be real with your readers. Avoid displaying yourself as the absolute expert in everything.  Appearing to be an expert, when you’re not will drive your readers away. Keep this in mind at all times.

Can you “fake” being an expert….Ah maybe.  Just let your readers know that if you make a blog post by using experts from other sites, give credit to the other sites.  Over time you will soon become the “go to” person or Expert.

Your Blog Will Live On

Remember the blog you write today will live on forever.  Be personal, be yourself and if you make a mistake on something learn from the mistake and move on.  Everyone makes mistakes! Ultimately, people will want to read your content because of the unique spin you put on it.


You are now ready with these simple tips to jump into the blogging arena.

Did I cover all that is required to be successful in Blogging?  No. That can’t be done in short articles and with so many other factors that goes into making a blog successful.

But you should have a good start with these tips.  Remember everyone has to start somewhere.  How To Start A Successful Home Based Blogging Business, this is just a start.

Planning-4-Success is a site designed to give you information in short articles about blogging, network marketing, affiliate marketing and general notes.

Look around Planning-4-Success for more articles on “Affiliate Marketing”, “Blogging”, “How To Make Money Blogging” and “Network Marketing”.  I am sure you will find a few more ideas and tips.

Remember that customers want to feel the personal connection that is often missing with online searches. Use blogging as a way to overcome that obstacle. Use the advice provided in this article and others in Planning-4-Success.

Read other articles I have posted to get additional information, tips and tricks about blogging, how to blog for money and network marketing.  I think you will find that these short articles will be of value when put them all together.  I think you will like this article:  “Blogging For Money Is Really Easy”  




PS:  Serious bloggers knows that there is always something new.  Beginner bloggers need the help and advice to become a blogger.  All of that is just one click away.

Okay let’s START YOUR Blogging Career HERE

About The Author


Bill Fletcher is a marketing professional and Business Coach. My goal is to help anyone who is interested in building a home base business through a systematic approach to success. Planning-4-Success will guide you with the help of some of the best coaching program available anywhere. We train you with the best professional in all categories of business building and success management.