Storytelling For Profits
Stores are the FASTEST way to set aside your prospect’s guard-dog (the unconscious mind) and tap into their heart where all sales are made (the unconscious mind).
*** I repeat, the UNconscious mind is where ALL sales are made.
And the UNconscious mind only speaks in STORIES! It thinks, acts, learns, and communicates like a 6 year old: ONLY with STORIES, pictures, and images.
So if the part of the brain that gets people to take action and buy your stuff only lives in the domain of your UNconscious mind, and the only way the UNconscious mind communicates is via stories, don’t you feel it would be a good idea to speak IT’s language?!?
*** I repeat, the UNconscious mind speaks in only one language: STORIES!
Ever heard the line, “Facts Tell, Stories Sell?”
It’s 100% true because stories are the way to tap into the part of the brain that will buy… it’s where ALL emotions, feelings, and memories are stored. THIS is where you want to play if you want to make money online, period. It’s what ALL top earners do, they ALL tell stories around the products they are selling.
And that’s why we have ‘The Art of Storytelling’ as part of the MLSP curriculum. Enjoy this incredible training!
Enjoy the video and FREE training,