The New Law Of Attraction|Speak Positive

The Law Of Attraction can be very powerful in both your personal life as well as your business life.

The Law Of Attraction is your Mind Set.  Think positive and “can-do” the world is at your door step and anything is possible.  Think negative and the world will never see you and nothing is possible.

If your in a business that requires others to support you in your efforts such as Network Marketing, it is important that you maintain a positive attitude.  You must be the leader others are looking for and that can only be applied by positive thinking.

Network Marketing is helping others solve problems.  Your prospect maybe looking for financial help, they maybe seeking a better life style, a new home, travel, car or to quit their job.  As a leader, it is your job to find that solution.  The solution maybe with your MLM Company or maybe positive support.

Learn the Law Of Attraction by Clicking The Here

Whatever gets in your mind stays there.

What ever gets into your mind stays there

That’s the law of attraction

In other words, what you think about, you bring about.  Want success in your business…think success even in defeat.

Complaining and focusing on the negative things you dislike about yourself will keep you trapped in what you don’t want.  Want success in yourself…think success even in defeat.

Whatever you focus on, becomes reality.

Expressing gratitude BEFORE seeing your desired results will cause things to shift in your life.

Remember, whatever gets in your mind and stays there will eventually show up in your life and your business.

Have you ever heard people make statements like:

  • You will never amount to much
  • Your not cut out to run a business
  • Your wasting your time
  • Those Internet things and Network Marketing are just schemes

These and all negetive discourse that discourage and dishearten are debilitating to soul and body and can affect every area of your life. We hear these statements and we start to agree with them.

Here’s how you change your circumstances and use the law of attraction to improve your energies and create a positive atmosphere where you can flourish, grow and thrive…

Quit putting more emphasis on what is going IN your head.  instead think of what is coming OUT of your mouth.

What you say is what you hold in your heart. What you say directly impacts your circumstances. We can speak Life or we can speak Death. It is a choice you have control over.

Ignore negative people and comments.  Surround yourself with positive people.  Take a negative comment and turn into a positive comment.  A comment like, “Your will never amount to much.”  Can be thought of as, “I can do this because I have a lot to prove.”

“Network Marketing is a scheme” can be thought of as, “Network Marketing and my home based business can and will be successful.”  Then prove it by working at it.

Here is a great course on the Law Of Attraction.  Ferny will give you a 10-Day Online Bootcamp on the Law Of Attraction at no cost.  Click on the Banner to get your No Cost Law Of Attraction.

A muscle in order to become strong must have resistance and use. This is true and can be applied to every area of our lives.

Speak affirmations of life and abundance over yourself. Don’t wait for someone to do it for you. And when negative thoughts and speach come against you. Stand firm and refute it. Take control and resist. Do not be bound by the lies of deception.

When you look in the mirror and speak negatively, your mind will start to agree with those statements.

Look in the mirror and start saying:

  • I am worthy
  • I am smart
  • I am resourceful
  • I can do what ever I think I can do
  • I am blessed
  • I am positive
  • I can change my situation
  • I am prosperous
  • Add your own statement….

Speak any positive words in the “I am” context for several minutes everyday as you get ready to begin your day. Be purposeful and direct. Do not think the words, speak them out loud. That is how you activate the power.

When you started making positive declarations over your life, positive energies begin to flow through and around you.

Believe the words you speak and watch the atmopshere around you change. It will impact everything….your finances, your marriage, your future dreams and goals.

Now start your day on a Positive Mind Set.

Here is the Law Of Attraction as it relates to Network Marketing.  However if you have any contact with People, this Law Of Attraction applies to you.

Click on the Banner and get a powerful 10-Day Bootcamp at No Cost.

Here’s your your success in what ever you want to accomplish,

A positive attitude is so important to success in life and in business.  Here is another article on 9 Secrets To Creating A Positive Life Style

About The Author


Bill Fletcher is a marketing professional and Business Coach. My goal is to help anyone who is interested in building a home base business through a systematic approach to success. Planning-4-Success will guide you with the help of some of the best coaching program available anywhere. We train you with the best professional in all categories of business building and success management.