The power of compounding efforts states that the only real secret of success is making the right decision, over and over again, for a long period of time.
Our habits are built by what we repeatedly do. If you are going to project yourself in the future, five years from now, taking the actions that you are currently taking, where will you be? Are you happy with your answer? If not, you need to change the small actions that you are taking in your day to day life to change your future.
Here is an example of how powerful compounding can be. The scenario is if you were given a choice to receive one million dollars in one month or a penny doubled every day for 30 days which one would you choose? When I first heard this, I knew that the penny doubled everyday must have been the better choice to go with as it was a little obvious to me that it had to be a trick question of some sort. But how much better would it be was not something that I knew immediately. So to demonstrate this, it was actually written out with all the calculations and it turned out to something like this:
Place a penny in a jar on day one. Day two double the penny then again for day three, four, five. By day ten you will have $5.12. Not a big deal is it. Continue this doubling and by day 20, just ten days later you will have gone from $5.12 to $5, 242.88. In just another ten day you will have $5,368,709.12 in Day 30.
The idea here is that by making a small change and doing it everyday, the compounding of your efforts can bring great rewards.
The small actions we take every day have huge repercussions on our lives, usually, we are not aware of it. Let’s say that Ben started a home based business. But every day he found an excuse to not do one small step in the business. Ben watches TV for the month, he was staying up late and when finally going to bed he couldn’t fall asleep. He was tired in the morning and wasn’t doing something in his business. Several months goes by and he is no better in his home based business that he was months ago. As a result Ben tells everyone that his business didn’t work when in reality, Ben didn’t work.
The ripple effect is that by doing nothing, Ben got nothing. However, by doing a small amount of work over a long period of time, Ben would have seen his small home based business grow to a financial empire just like the doubling of a penny over 30 days.
“every decision, no matter how slight, alters the trajectory of your life.”
This is a really powerful tool. For example our poor friend Ben is having financials problems because is spending more money that he could afford. The main problem is that Ben is not aware of his choices, is just following his impulses without thinking about what is doing. He should start tracking whatever is buying, even the coffees from Starbucks he enjoys so much. Once Ben is aware of his decisions he can make improvement in the way is spending his money. We can apply this tool in all our areas of our lives especially on time management.
“Tracking is a simple exercise. It works because it brings moment-to-moment awareness to the actions you take in the area of your life you want to improve.”
We need to understand that our life situation is just a reflection of who we are and the choices we have made. To improve our situation we need to expand ourselves in order to be able to influence for the better the lives of other people. If we are looking to earn more money we should stop watching so much TV and replace that habit with an empowering one like reading or listening to audio books. Place one ad, write one blog post, call a prospect, contact a support group and chat. A good question to ask yourself in order to understand if you are investing your time, and not just wasting it is: am I going to be a better person after I have done, watched, read, etc. X thing? The more you give the more you get, how many people did Bill Gates influence? What about Steve Jobs? What about you?
“If you want to have more, you have to become more. Success is not something you pursue. What you pursue will elude you; it can be like trying to chase butterflies. Success is something you attract by the person you become”
What do you think people like Tiger Woods, Michael Phelps, Roger Federer have in common? They are all aware of the power of momentum, when they start getting results they keep working as hard as they where doing before and end up achieving even more. Is not easy to build momentum, the hardest part for a space shuttle is escaping the gravity of the earth, in fact, the majority of fuel is used during the launch. When starting from scratch making the first steps is going to be the hardest part. Once you get into the rhythm you are going to get the power of compounding effect. Obviously you need to keep putting in the efforts in order for the rewards to keep growing exponentially.
“Achievers-People who get into a successful rhythm-continue busting their butts and end up achieving more and more”
Once we get some results the tendency that most people have is to relax and stop doing the things that got them successful in the first place. That is possibly the worst decision one in that position could ever take, because they will lose momentum and lose their results. They will need to start all over again and go trough the same challenges and go back to square one. If you follow this pattern: Work hard, get results, stop working, lose your results, start again. Be aware that your journey to where you want to be is going to be at least ten time longer.
Follow this pattern…”work hard, do something every day to improve your business, take a day for yourself, focus on your goal for 30-60-90 days, avoid distractions.”
“If you and I flew planes from Los Angeles to Manhattan, but you took off and landed in every state in between, while I flew straight through, even if you went five hundred miles per hour in the air and I only traveled at a rate of two hundred miles per hours, I’d still beat you by a big margin”
We need to say farewell to all the influences that are not helping us becoming the best version of ourselves. If your friends are always pointing out reasons about why you are not going to make it, probably are not friends after all, and you should consider saying good bye to them. Have you ever met vampires people? They seem to absorb your life energy with their negativity and criticism. Fortunately the world is full of givers and once two givers meet they are going to enrich each others lives remember …“You are the average of the five people you spend most time with”. We need to be aware as well of all the worthless information that we unconsciously absorb trough out the day.
I stopped watching TV news, even the weather forecast. Look at the news for several day and make a check mark for every negative story, killings, robbery, etc. Do the same for weather….”It’s going to be partly cloudy today”. Nothing said of being partly sunny. “There is a 20% chance of rain/snow.” Nothing said of 80% percent of not having rain/snow. Broadcasters know that bad news sells, not good news.
“You cannot hang out with negative people and expect to live a positive life”
Do you want to know what is the right thing to do? Look around and see what most people are doing, then do the complete opposite. Most people don’t follow their passions because is “risky”, most people watch television, most people don’t read books, most people go to college just because their parents said so, no wonder that most people lives sucks. Don’t be like most people make your own aware choices and live your life according to your own values.
“To me, what’s popular is average, it’s what’s common. Common things deliver common results”
I choose to to be different. I choose to be independent. I choose to do what so many people will not do. I choose not to follow the crowd but to blaze my own road. I choose to have my family see how just a little Compounding Effort can have a big reward.
Here’s to your success.
PS: At Elite Marketing Pro we will teach you the Power Of Compounding Efforts by following proven strategies to building a successful home based business. Coaches and support groups to keep you on track. Mentors who will help you in your success to financial future. Watch Tim in this introduction video and how a Homeless Guy help start his business. Click the Banner and see the video.