Tips For Network Marketers

Tips For Network Marketers

By Bill H. Fletcher

network marketing3Network Marketing can be a very rewarding career or a frustrating way of earning money. While statics show that 1 out of 8 people will succeed in network marketing those who do succeed will earn large incomes. Why do so many people fail? It’s simple…many approach Network Marketing as a hobby. Others treat the business as part-time with part-time efforts. Some “will try it” and if it doesn’t work will try something else. These people never give their business a chance to succeed.

Look at network marketing, with desire and you will succeed. Just for a moment think of some of your favorite singers, actors or business person. Were they always successful at their craft. NO! They spent years of minor success and many years TRYING. A good friend sang in bars, county fairs and parties for years. He knew he was good, he had the desire and he stayed with his talent. Today he sings on stage, Las Vegas and has sell out concerts. He could have given up many times, he could have treated his singing as a hobby. He didn’t and now very successful.


How does this relate the network marketing? If you have a business, first treat it as a business. In fact treat it as a million dollar business. Your mind doesn’t know the difference between a million dollar business and a thousand dollar business. What you tell yourself is what you will do. If you say “I’m successful” you are. If you say “I’m the CEO of my business” you are. Trick your mind to believe.


Another problem with network marketing is “I will try it”. If you try, you will fail. Try! That’s like dipping your toe in a swimming pool to test the water. A child tries, an adult does! What if Babe Ruth only TRIED? Commit to your business do all you can every day toward developing it into a million dollar enterprise.


My business is a HOBBY!. I will work when I want to. I will do my business when I feel good. Do this and YOU WILL FAIL. As a matter of fact if you treat it a hobby, please put it on the self and walk away. That maybe harsh but walk away. Why? Let’s say you managed to sponsor several people in the business. With your lack of commitment you could discourage someone who may be serious. This is a serious business an enterprise that could bring success and financial security.



  • ·       Stay committed
  • ·       Work at your business every day. Even if it is small task
  • ·       Plan your time and avoid distractions
  • ·       Look at the long term
  • ·       Become an expert in your field
  • ·       Think success
  • ·       Never “TRY”
  • ·       Know your WHY. Why are you doing this. Why do you want a business. Why is this important
  • ·       Finally, visualize what you will do with all the money you will be making.


To your Success


PS:  Successful Network Marketer and Entrepreneur reveals exactly how to succeed in Internet Marketing through his company, Planning-4-Success and become financially independent. Using My Lead System Pro and his Primary Program he has been able to achieve a successful Online business. He will show you how to generate endless leads on demand, creating multiple streams of income and effortlessly sponsor more people in one month than most network marketers sign up in a year. It’s fun, free and you may be surprised on how easy it can be.


About The Author


Bill Fletcher is a marketing professional and Business Coach. My goal is to help anyone who is interested in building a home base business through a systematic approach to success. Planning-4-Success will guide you with the help of some of the best coaching program available anywhere. We train you with the best professional in all categories of business building and success management.