Writing A Blog Advice That Can Make You A Winner

Writing A Blog Advice That Can Make You A Winner

By Bill Fletcher


Have you been considering writing a blog but do not know how to get started? This article will be able to help you, by providing some general writing a blog tips and advice that will aid you in starting a successful blog. Don’t feel intimidated. Blog Posting is easier than ever thanks to new technology. These are a few of the basic steps to Writing A Blog Advice That Can Make You A Winner and setting your blog up to becoming a successful blog master.

Blog Daily

Blog often and blog smartly. One of the biggest mistakes bloggers make is not updating the blog often enough. Even if readers love your blog, they’ll lose interest if they have to wait a long time for updates. Strive for blogging daily or at a minimum weekly of your blog site, and always send out an email letting readers know when you have posted new material.

A little tip here:  write several blogs at a time.  I write 5 to 6 blogs at a time in Microsoft Word.  Most of the blogs are just “drafts”.  I then go back during the week and add to or modify the writings.  At a point, I will have completed a few writings and then post.  This way I have at leased 5 or 6 ready to “go” and I am not pressed to get them out.

TIP! It is important that your blog uses search engine optimization. You need your blog to appear near the top of search engine listings for your topics so that Internet users can easily come across your posts.

Your blog should concentrate on something that will excite readers’ interest. Nobody wants to read a saga about doing the dishes and cleaning the bathroom every day. Unless you can present these topics in an exciting and unique way, internet users will not want to read your blog. Choose topics that you know people care about. Your goal is to have a unique idea that will cause people to come to your blog and stay.

Differentiate your blog from the mass of “me-too” blogs out there. Readers are drawn to sites with unique content. Information that isn’t easy to come by will make people read your blog too. Write about a unique hobby or experience. Give intimate details of the way something is made. The point is give readers a reason to click on your blog when they are seeking a particular kind of information.

Some of the best blogs are “How To…”.  Give some help or tips on “How To Get Leads For Your Business”, or “How To Build an Affiliate Markeitng Company”, or “How To Plant A Flower Garden For Wonderful Roses”, or How To…and you fill in the blanks.

Quality Content

TIP! Post new content to your blog on a regular basis. New content is essential for finding new viewers and keeping the ones you have.

Your blog will benefit greatly if you can convince well-known bloggers to make guest posts for you. Not only does it increase the quantity of quality content but it invites viewers to your site who will most likely return. You should have additional traffic if they notify their visitors of the appearance. Try using more than one additional blogger to add quality content to your blog and increased page views.

As mentions and is important enough to say again, Update your blog frequently with new content to keep your readers coming back for more. Some of the best blogs update at least once daily. While this may seem like a lot of work, consider sitting down before you post your blog to the Internet and writing many posts with timeless content. This ensures that you have plenty of posts on-hand for the times when you can’t come up with something new.

Patience is one of the most important parts of growing your list of readers. People aren’t going to magically stumble upon your blog over night; it takes time to build an audience.  In fact don’t expect to get readers to a new blog for 90 to 120 days.  Additionally, since you are just starting out, there will not be much content available for people to see right away. The key to getting more views is the amount of time your blog has existed, as well as the quality and quantity of content.

TIP! Don’t let yourself copy other people’s material. One of the most important things your blog can cultivate is a reputation for honesty and reliability.

Focus on providing informative or inspirational content for your blog. The more your content interests readers, the more traffic you’ll get. You will get more returning visitors if the blog’s quality is good and honest.

Remember your blog will be out there forever.  Write something but leave out things like dates or some current event that will date your blog.  I wrote a blog several years ago and still get comments today.

Now you’re better prepared to launch and maintain a successful blog. Use the tips laid out here, and create a blog to be proud of. Whatever the subject or reason for your blog, the successful blogs on the Internet share many qualities in common. With some effort, you can join their ranks.

Here is hoping you got some good information “Writing A Blog Advice That Can Make You A Winner”

To your success

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Bill H. Fletcher, EzineArticles Basic PLUS Author

About The Author


Bill Fletcher is a marketing professional and Business Coach. My goal is to help anyone who is interested in building a home base business through a systematic approach to success. Planning-4-Success will guide you with the help of some of the best coaching program available anywhere. We train you with the best professional in all categories of business building and success management.