Writing A Blog Made Easy With These Tips

Writing A Blog Made Easy

With These Tips

By Bill Fletcher

If you want to start up a blog, the best thing to do is just find a topic you care about and get started!  If visitors are enjoying your posts, they will be more likely to come back to read new entries. Whatever your interests may be, there is an audience for a blog on that topic.

There is a problem with writing a blog, that I will discuss later in this article.  Just keep your blog to the subject at hand.  If you write about lawn care keep your post about lawn care.

If you have a MLM Business with healthcare product.  Keep your blog about healthcare.  Now it is OKAY to write about something else, just don’t refer your reader to your business.

Here are some tips you can use to create a successful blog.

Interact with your readers

Respond to readers and share information with them as much as possible. Spend time with Red Birdthem consistently. Make a habit of interacting with them. Consistent communication with your readers can help establish a strong connection between you and your readers that results from the exchange of ideas with one another. Remember that when you neglect your blog, you also neglect and disappoint your readers.

TIP! Comment on other blogs to raise your blog’s profile. Google Reader allows you to organize your blogs by folder.

Posts should be concise and clear. Although you want to give your readers the detail and information they desire, if your blog is too long or wordy, your readers will lose interest. Blog readers don’t want to read through a long, verbose post just to find a little bit of information. They are interested in the meat of your topic, not the seasoning!

I find that if I keep my paragraphs short, to the point and informative my readers enjoy and will stay longer.  The goal is to keep your readers on your blog and coming back.  “White” space is not a bad thing on your blog.

The more frequently you post new content, the more likely your readers will be to visit regularly. Successful bloggers post daily. If you are having trouble , you may want to have some content already written before your blog goes live.

Writer’s Block

Every one gets Writer’s Block. The easiest way to get rid of “writers block” is to make notes. exclamation_markHere is the idea.  During my day I come across a lot of “things”.  Often get an “ah ha” moment. I jot it down.  Then when I get writer’s block, I pull out my notes and review.  There maybe something in the notes that I will then blog about.  I also listen to my readers.

Another idea is to open your Word document or any other writing format and write something…anything.  Then stop.  Later open it again and either continue or start another document.  I have about 10-20 unfinished documents on my Microsoft Word.  When I go to any of them, I may see one that I want to complete.  I then complete and post.

Perform routine updates on your blog. Stay on top of everything from the content and style of your blog to its underlying technical framework. This can help keep your readers interested, and in addition, will ensure that your visitors will not encounter any problems on your blog.

Create A Mailing List

Aim to start a mailing list for your blog as quickly as you can. The sooner you start compiling email addresses, the more time you have to expand your mailing list. A mailing list is a great way to stay connected with your readers.  If you have a Home Based Business, your mailing list is your money avenue. You may regret not starting your mailing list if you wait until a later time.

KeywordWhen determining what keywords you will use for your blog, remember to choose ones that are unique and less competitive. If you choose to use the same keywords as every other site then your site will become lost in the sea of internet. Be unique if you want to get the reader’s views.  Keywords, either short or long tail are very important.  To find good keywords, use Google’s Keyword Planner.  I also use Market Samurai to find the exact word I am looking for.

TIP! Be sincere and authentic in your blog. Don’t seem like someone who knows everything.

When creating a blog, don’t just write long, drawn-out paragraphs of useless information. Be sure to find a topic that suits your blog appropriately. Writing irrelevant and incorrect blog posts will result in your blog failing. The content you post on your blog is the key to finding success.

Your Home Based Business

Many bloggers use the blog to promote their Home Based Business, Network Marketing Business or Affiliate Business.  But here is  the mistake many bloggers make.  Let’s say your have a Weight Loss program, your blog should be about Weight Loss.  How to lose weight.  The benefits of reduced weight or the health issues associated with weight.  Your blog should not be anything else.  Here is what I see.  Some bloggers blog about, let’s say cleaning the house, dog training, lawn care or anything but weight loss.  Toward the end they insert a link to their MLM Business.  The reader is now confused.

Anyone is capable of making an interesting blog. You can generate greater interest within posts by including photos, videos and expert opinions. Your blog will soon be up and running if you make use of the suggestions provided by this article.

To your success,

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Bill H. Fletcher, EzineArticles Basic PLUS Author

About The Author


Bill Fletcher is a marketing professional and Business Coach. My goal is to help anyone who is interested in building a home base business through a systematic approach to success. Planning-4-Success will guide you with the help of some of the best coaching program available anywhere. We train you with the best professional in all categories of business building and success management.