10 Tips For Network Marketing Success

10 Tips For Network Marketing Success

By Bill Fletcher

So you decided to join a Network Marketing Company.  Well congratulations.  How many people have told you that?  I can think of a couple…your sponsor…your up-line and maybe the Network Marketing Company.  That’s about it.  Now come the disappointment.  But before I go there, let me say CONGRATULATIONS.  You have made Hand Shake 2the right decision.

Network Marketing is the only business I can think of where ordinary people (your not ordinary, you have taken the first step toward a rewarding career) can start a business with little start-up money, little skills, put in your own hours, make as much money as you want, work from home and do it part-time.


People are not going to flock to your door demanding to join your MLM business.  In fact, some will run away as fast as they can to avoid talking to you.  Your family may even say your crazy for such a bad adventure.  Your partner, wife or husband is going to roll their eyes and call you crazy.  Your up line will ignore you and your sponsor may offer help.  The key word is MAY.

You probably have an image planted in your mind of what network marketing is all about. Housewives buying and selling Tupperware while gossiping and eating finger sandwiches, or a high-pressure salesperson trying to convince you how easily you can become a millionaire if only you and your friends and their friends and so on would buy and sell vitamins with him.

Your sponsor may have painted a picture of you only helping a few friends who will help a few friends and they will help a few friends and all of you will become wealthy beyond belief.  A few circles here a few circles there and you have an organization of hundreds.  The circles on paper are convincing.  Convincing to cause you to join..right.

Both of these images couldn’t be further from the reality of the network marketing business. It’s neither a hobby nor a get-rich-scheme but an opportunity for you to earn money running your own part- or full-time business from home.  It is an opportunity to make a lot of money if done right.  Repeat..it is an opportunity to make a lot of money if done right.

Choose wisely

There are ten key elements you should be looking for when selecting a business opportunity or a network marketing company.

1. Stability. How old is the company? Network marketing companies come and go.  I joined a great company.. exciting.. growing and a great idea.  Less than a year later the company was gone.

2.  Does the network marketing company offer a great product or services that consumers will use?

3.  Training.  What type of training does the company offer?  Most companies simply say call all your friends and family and invite them to an “opportunity” meeting.  This is OLD and DOES NOT WORK.

4.  What is the pay structure?  Most network marketing companies offer a “tiered” pay plan.  The harder you work the higher you ascend the pay structure.  Look at this carefully.  Every company has their own plan.  Is it fair and can you make “residual” income.  What happens if you retire?  Can I make money?

5.  Who is running the business?  Does the management have experience in network marketing?  Have they been successful in other companies in the industry? Do they have a good reputation?  Again, I joined a company many years ago only to find out later that one of the executive management team was hired to “pressure” people to the next level.  This person had no experience and came from two other failed companies.

6.  Check out the company from its beginning to now.  Is this a growing business, steady business or on the decline.  Check out the timing.  Pet Rocks were once the rage but today … who wants a Pet Rock.  Don’t buy into a FAD, again choose wisely

7.  You may have chosen a great company with excellent management, products that make a difference, a pay plan that’s uniquely fair and very generous, and momentum and stability, but if you don’t have a system in place that works, all of that doesn’t matter. Most network marketing companies will have a training system that they use, but as mentioned it may be outdated.

8.  Your sponsor.  Very important to have a sponsor who is willing to help, guide and mentor you during your start-up period.  Can you trust them to hold your hand while you make mistakes and small success?  Is your sponsor in for the “long term”?  I joined one company in which my sponsor quit after a year and their sponsor quit shortly after.  The next in line was doing well (not great) but had other interest in mind and only offered help if they could benefit from me.  Your sponsor may be new or may not know all the details and that is OKAY as long as you both work together for a common goal.

9.  How do you feel about the product or services the company offers?  Can you see yourself representing the product or service?  Do get excited when discussing the product or service?  Do you get excited when discussing jewelry or soap or weight loss but your company’s products are perfume.  If this is true, you have picked the wrong company.  Look again.  Network Marketing Success is based on your feelings about the product.

 10.  Are you willing to learn and are you willing to make mistakes to learn by?  Are you “coachable”?  I sponsored a person who had a Masters degree in marketing.  He was going to do it his way because he had a Masters degree in marketing.  He failed only to come back and do it the “right” way.

Success Comes From Learning

To succeed, you need to be willing to listen and learn from mentor’s.  This maybe  the companies top producers or outside coaches.  It is in the best interests of the MLM veterans in your company to help you succeed.  Through your success is their success.  Copy successful people.  If your sponsor is new, look in the company to find a successful producer and follow their lead.  My mentor told me one day to buy a Red Pen and a Green Note Book.  Why I don’t know, but he was a million dollar earner and if he told me to buy a red pen and green notebook I bought it.  Whatever your mentor did to become successful you have to be willing to listen and be taught and follow those systems.


easy-button1-150x150Here is an 11th Tip For Network Marketing Success.  Network Marketing is both easy and hard.  It is a lot more difficult to make your first $1,ooo per month than to make $10,000 per month.  Remember to start your journey you have to start with ONE.  To get that ONE maybe 20 no’s.  It maybe to get that ONE you have to talk to 30 people.  Maybe to get that ONE you may have to sponsor 5 people with ONE willing to actually do the business.


A friend of mine was at a football stadium and saw all the people in the stadium.  He commented that he wished he had all of them in his organization.  His mentor said, “if you sponsored just ONE and that ONE sponsored ONE that’s TWO.  If TWO sponsored ONE that’s FOUR.  IF FOUR sponsored ONE that’s EIGHT and on and on.  You will fill the stadium with that thought of just ONE”Today he has over 20,000 people in his organization.  That’s more than was in the stadium that day.

These 10 Tips For Network Marketing Success is just the beginning.  To earn money in network marketing you must be a student.  Each day is a new day to learn more.  Stop learning and you will stop growing.

Here’s to your success

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PS: For real Network Marketing Success you need to follow a system that has a proven system of success.  MLSP has helped hundreds to become top earners in their network marketing company and make money from their Home Based Business.  For less than $10.00 you can TEST DRIVE MLSP.  For information look at what MLSP can do for your business.  Take a peak HERE.



About The Author


Bill Fletcher is a marketing professional and Business Coach. My goal is to help anyone who is interested in building a home base business through a systematic approach to success. Planning-4-Success will guide you with the help of some of the best coaching program available anywhere. We train you with the best professional in all categories of business building and success management.