Can’t Sponsor People In Your MLM Business

Why so many people are stuck, IN SPITE OF doing the things they’re supposed to do.

You know… reading the books, writing down goals, visualizing, and yes even taking action is something I think everyone struggles with at one time or another… I know I did, until I finally realized what the problem was.

And it’s really pretty simple, yet I find that’s it’s one of the hardest things to discipline yourself to do.

And if you’ll be completely honest with yourself, you’ll agree that it takes an enormous amount of mental discipline to stay on track… ESPECIALLY when things are not going all that well.

What is it?

It’s focusing ONLY on what you want… and NOT thinking about the things that hold you back.

The first part is easy.

You want a new car, home, more money, more downline…. so you paint mental images, thinking about those things.

But it’s the 2nd part that tends cause us most problems.

It’s the little voice whispering fear, doubt and worry into your ear.

You say… “I want to make a $100,000 a year”… but then the little voice starts naming all the reasons why you can’t.

You want to be a better leader… but then you start thinking – “what if no one listens to me or believes me?”

You create a new ad or marketing campaign… and instantly start doubting – “what if it doesn’t work AGAIN?”

I’m not the only one that ever had these thoughts… we all do.

Problem is, these thoughts fuel your beliefswhich are like little programs running in the background DICTATING ultimately what ends up happening.  So you run that new ad and it didn’t work.  You say to yourself, “I told you so, it wasn’t going to work”, and you believe it.

Bottom line is… you attract THAT what you think about it.  Read “Think And Grow Rich” to understand how to Think that gets the best results.

And when you think about the things you DON’T want… guess what?  You’re thinking about them and you’re attracting them to you.

I believe THAT is what’s standing in the way between you and your goals. When you can eliminate fear, doubt, and worry… you can have everything you want.

I know this is common sense and chances are you’ve heard it before… but as with everything… are you actually doing this?

The 2 worst words you can say in the English language (or any language for that matter)…I CAN’T and… I KNOW.

I love my wife but she is the idea of I Can’t.  I can’t learn the computer, I can’t sew, I can’t paint, I can’t..I can’t..I can’t.  And guess what SHE CAN”T.  Why, because she “believes” she can’t.

We all KNOW what we need to do… but it’s NOT what you know, it’s what you DO.

Doing gets rid of I Can’t.

This is why we have a society full of educated derelicts.

Case in point.

A close friend came to me a few years ago and wanted to start his own training business. He had a great background and drive, so there was no reason why he would not succeed.

I told him that beginning a new business takes a lot of effort and some thought.  You need to have a plan, a road map to where you are and where you want to go.  You need to design a marketing outline and how you plan to get students.

I tried explaining to him that new business is tricky, and there are things you need to know about. Advertising, management, financial, etc….my friend smirk and said “I have a great background in training, I’ve got a business degree, I think I can figure it all out, I know how”.

It’s now 3 years later and he is still trying to get the business up.  What do you think the problem was?  The I KNOW syndrome.  He wasn’t interested in finding out HOW, because he KNOWS.

It’s the same in our network business… you might KNOW what you need to do and HOW you need to think.

That’s not the issue… it’s the application of that knowledge that’s the issue.

Here’s a little technique from Dr. Robert Anthony in regards to training yourself to think about what you want and NOT about doubt, worry and fear.

It’s called a “flipswitch”.

The minute you catch yourself doubting, worrying or having any counterproductive thoughts… you just FLIP THE SWITCH and change your thought to what you actually want.

See, it turns out that you can only hold ONE thought a time, so when you REPLACE the negative thought with a positive one, you instantly change your focus.

And when you change your focus, you change how you feel and that’s when the magic happens.

It’s easy to slide and go into a negative state… but it doesn’t do you any good. So you might as well practice this little technique and the moment you catch yourself sliding,


But remember, just because you KNOW… doesn’t mean it’ll do you any good.

Name something you want.

Perhaps you want…

  • More Money…how much?
  • New Car…which one?
  • New Home…where?

Now why is it you don’t have those things yet? Think about that. If you say you CONSCIOUSLY want them and you have been taking actions to move forward towards getting them – WHY don’t you have them yet?

What is the hang-up? What is holding you back?   You’re UNCONSCIOUS.

What I call the hurts, habits and hang ups that hold you back.  Flip The Switch and watch the JOY on the faces of people who were just released from these horrible hurts, habits and hang-ups.

The process takes 7 minutes to dramatically and profoundly change your life.

Its 7 minutes to flip the switch.  Your saying “7 minutes, that’s ridiculous, you just flip a switch and it changes”.  Not really!

Remember you have many years of Stinkin-Thinkin, and the brain is not easily changed.  So for a few minutes you have to reprogram the brain (Sub Conscious) to hear want you are trying to convey.

So the exercise is “I just flipped the switch, my can’t is replaced with I can, my excuse is replaced with can do and my negatives are replaced with positive”.  Do this for 7 minutes a day and you will be surprised with your results.

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Here’s to your success

PS:  Some good books to change the way you think are; “Think And Grow Rich”, “Acres Of Diamonds”, “Jonathan Livingston Seagull”, “How To Win Friends And Influence People”, “See You At The Top”

Many thanks to Ray for the contributing thoughts to this post.

About The Author


Bill Fletcher is a marketing professional and Business Coach. My goal is to help anyone who is interested in building a home base business through a systematic approach to success. Planning-4-Success will guide you with the help of some of the best coaching program available anywhere. We train you with the best professional in all categories of business building and success management.