How Blogging Has Changed

Here is a review on how you can become a better Blogger and even make some money with your blog.

Way, Way, Way back in 2005 Technorati estimated there were approximately 7.8 million blogs.

Today it is estimated that there are over 279 million blogs!!

What does that mean to you?

It means…

  1. There is more blogging “competition” today than ever before
  2. Everyone and EVERYONE can have a blog
  3. There’s no shortage of content for your potential audience to choose from

Today’s it’s easy for anyone and everyone to have a bog. Is that Good or Bad?

I personally believe this is a good thing. Competition brings out the winners.

“In 2005 there were approximately 7.8 million blogs online.

Today there are almost 300 million!”

As the headline say’s, there is now more content then ever before. This is mainly due to the rise in blogging popularity.

However, what I’m seeing is that most of the content is just “Average” or Nothing Specular.

So your question should be… “How am I going to make an impression with so many blogs?”

“How am I going to stand out from the crowd?”

How Do I Stand Out From The Crowd?

How Do I Stand Out From The Crowd?










I’ll address that, but first:

The Blogging Landscape Has Changed

Today, you can’t get away with creating an “average” piece of content and think…

“Well as long as I do this consistently… everything should work out well, right?”


Poor or average content, even when published consistently… will NOT have the kind of business impact that your content needs to provide.

For example; Go to Google and entered in the search term…

“How to generate Free leads for home business”.

You will find is that, there are over 19 million results from that keyword search.

What you will see are a lot of FREE MLM Leads, Get FREE Leads, Strategies To Generate Free Home Based Business Leads, MLM Leads For Sale, Home Business Opportunity Leads Free…..19 million results!!

WOW…So what do you do?

Try it, enter the search term…I’ll wait.

Okay got it? Now start clicking through the different results to see which one will satisfy your curiosity.

Did something grab your attention?


So, If the content isn’t grabbing your attention or giving you the answers your looking for…what do you do?

Just like everyone else, you immediately click the “back” button knowing there are literally 18 million, 999 thousand, 999 hundred other potential pieces of content that will give you the answer to your question.

This is what is meant by “competition”.

You’re not necessarily competing against another marketer in the sense that “my blog is better than your blog”.

What you’re competing for is your audience’s attention.  To keep them from hitting the “back” button.

Your Audience

Your Audience

If you’re not producing content at a high level you risk losing the attention of your potential prospect.

Without their attention your content isn’t creating the business impact that you hoped it would when you originally created it.

The key point here is, the frequency of the content is not as important at the “QUALIY” of the content.

You can produce 4-5-6 blogs a week or produce 1 good blog with valuable content.

You see, we’re not in the early 2000’s when you could simply blog consistently and get tons of “Google love” as a result.

Unfortunately, due to more blogs and more content in general… those days are over. And quite frankly I glad.

Now more than ever it is critical that your content captures your reader’s attention, pulls them through your valuable content, and provides them a solution at the end.

By providing a solution to their search term, you will capture your potential audience. They will read your content and come back for more.

Providing valuable content is not that hard as you will soon learn in the Final Thoughts.

Final Thoughts…

How do you want your audience to see you?

A blogger who pumps out a lot of vanilla content that doesn’t solve people’s problems or help them out

Poor Content

Poor Content


As an expert who really knows what they’re talking about. Someone who produces excellent content. A Blogger who’s worth the reader’s time to look for and review a new blog post every time you publish a blog post.

Good Content

Good Content

I’m going to assume you’d prefer to be considered as the expert.

Therefore, don’t feel the need to produce content daily just to say…

“Phew! I got a blog post done today!” 

Instead, put in the time and careful thought that is required to create quality content that serves your business purpose and provides a solution to your reader’s pain.

When you do that, you’ll start getting the results from your blog. And isn’t that what we want?


Now, you may be saying, “I’m not and Expert.” I’m here to say that: “No One Is An Expert.” The just know a little more than you or I do. And how did they do that?

Worked at it consistently. Studied. Research. Asked others. An Expert Knows A Little More Than You or I Do.

Finally, You Are An Expert Now, by just reading this blog post. You now know a “little” more than most of the other average bloggers.

You Are Now An Expert

You Are Now An Expert








To learn more on how to create consistent compelling blog content CLICK HERE for your free report!

To you success,

Bill Fletcher








PS: Blogging is fun and can be profitable. The “average” blogger will soon become frustrated and quit. The better, more knowable blogger spends time and energy to learn the craft. Here is your solution to becoming a better blogger….Click The Banner.

Perfect Blog


About The Author


Bill Fletcher is a marketing professional and Business Coach. My goal is to help anyone who is interested in building a home base business through a systematic approach to success. Planning-4-Success will guide you with the help of some of the best coaching program available anywhere. We train you with the best professional in all categories of business building and success management.