Don’t You Hate It When A Day Goes Wrong?
Here is a short story to set the mood. When things go wrong it is the professional who can get around the problems and move on. This short story is real life. The audio will then give you 3 steps to success. Listen to the audio and when things do go wrong, as it did with me you will be able to look beyond the problems and deal with it as a professional.
The key to success is knowing how and when to deal with bad days. Here is my real life short story:
Has this ever happened to you?

Having A Bad Day? Tomorrow will be better.
Today was not a good day. When I woke up this morning, I must have twisted wrongly while getting out of bed and my side is very sore. So sore I have trouble putting on socks. That was jut the beginning.
I was out of toothpaste so I uses my daughters. She had “Kids Toothpaste.” O well.
Went down stairs, with my sore hip to get her ready for school only to find out that we were out of milk. Not a good start.
I like coffee in the morning, so I fixed my favorite coffee in my Keurig. Remember NO MILK. O well.
Got her off to school and started my day in my home office (I have a home based business).
Well the day didn’t get any better, things just continue to get worse.
I made several important phone calls from my home phone and left messages to return the call. I then started working on the Internet looking at my emails and making follow-up replies.
The list of disasters goes on and on and on and I just wish I could shut my eyes, go to sleep and start a new day.
You see, I get a phone call from my daughter on my cell saying she tried to call the house and receive a strange message that the phone was disconnected. At the same time, she wanted me to check something online. I now have NO INTERNET CONNECTION.
My wife call and I asked her if she paid the bill…Yes. She left work to make sure they received the payment….they did. O well
The modem decided to fail. I was expecting 3 very critical return calls and no phone. My email responses were lost and MY HOME OFFICE IS NOW DEAD.
Don’t go away…there’s more.
Later that day I had a doctor appointment for a follow-up. I checked in and the lady told me to set in the lobby and a nurse will come and get me. After 45 minutes the nurse call me to follow her to a room. Another 12 minutes went by when she popped back in as asked if I went to Imaging to get an XRay? NO! was my reply and she left. 10 minutes later the doctor came in and said I need an XRay for the follow-up. O well.
So we just talked and he made notes on the computer. Finally, he said he need an image and we both left. The lady in the front office, screwed up! Now I have to go to the hospital to get a Sonogram. Problem being I had another appointment and could not schedule until the next day. Oh by the way my co-pay was $40 dollars. O WELL!!
I get home and my wife informed me that the tire was low on her car and I need to check it out. I was reminded that we had a dinner appointment later that night and that the doctor’s office call and had me scheduled the next day at 9:00 AM. I started to rearrange some next day appointments.
We left the house for the dinner appointment around 6:15 PM. We got to the restaurant and was told to wait as they weren’t ready for us (presentation). About 15 minutes later we were escorted to a room and seated. All of a sudden I had a sinking feeling we were going to be “strong armed” into a purchase (that was correct).
3 hours later exhausted and tired, we left the restaurant. My little girl fell asleep and she had a test the next day and need a shower….too late.
OH we did not purchase.
Tired and wanted the day from H–L to end we went to bed.
Ok, so maybe not ALL of these things have happened to you all in the same day… 🙂
But have you ever just had one of those days where things just aren’t going well?
Well in my business things don’t alway go well. Day’s that I just want to forget and other days in which all is right in the world.
I’ve had MANY so called bad days, especially when I first started out building my business. And what I learned was to deal with it. Just like my bad day, the world didn’t end (seemed like it), the next day was so much better.
And what I was so kindly reminded of from my mentor, everyone has bad days, yet the ultra-successful people have found a way no matter how terrible a day is going, they have the ability to make a shift to take back their day and transition it into greatness.
So how do you make that positive shift to produce more in your business even when it feels like everything’s going against you?
The audio will share with you one simple mantra to remember and 3 simple steps to shift your day from terrible to terrific.
Access the audio here:
Two Apps To Get You On The Right Track
Inside of the trainings, are two apps that you can utilize when you need to just take a break. They are:
- Headspace
- Take a Break
The ‘Take a Break’ app is especially great if you just need a quick 5 minutes to calm yourself and relax during work.
I hope they help you regain back your day like they help me.
Make It Happen,
P.S. – If recruiting and selling is something you dread daily… Click here to check out this 10 day bootcamp
Especially if you want to sign up more customers and teammates without it feeling like a chore and so you can stop approaching your family and friends as your only way to make money…
This 10 day bootcamp did the trick for me.
Click here to check it out (unless you’re already swimming in a sea of high quality prospects)