The Best MLM Company

So, what is the Best MLM Company for You?

True Story

business colleagues shaking handsToday I saw some good friends and one very close high school buddy.  My wife and I were at the mall when a high school buddy came up behind me and taped me on the shoulder.  We talks for awhile when a few other friends came by.  We decide to have lunch when one of my friends ask me what I have been doing for the last 10+ years.  Proudly I mentioned I was an Internet professional and Network Marketing Coach.  If you are in Network Marketing or MLM Business you know that this could have been the “bomb”.  But as a professional, I was very proud to tell them of my many adventures.

I soon found out that one of my college friends, has lost several jobs over the last 10 years and Frustrated With Your Jobwas currently work at a job just to make ends meet.  Another one was somewhat successful but not really happy with his work environment.  My high school then chimed in as said he owned a business but was so tied down with it that just taking a day off or even a vacation was almost impossible.

Three different stories, three different situations.  We did have a fourth member, but she remained silent until.  I mention MLM.  Her question (let’s call her Sue) was many but it all came down to:

  1. Can you make money with MLM?
  2. How do you find people?
  3. I heard MLM is a scam or pyramid.

Everyone was silent and looking at me for my reaction.

  1. Can you make money with MLM?  Of course or I would not be in it!
  2. How do I find people?  I don’t, I let them find me wanting to join!
  3. I heard MLM is a scam or pyramid.  Pyramids are illegal MLM is a profession!
  4. What is the best MLM company?

Even though one of them has seen me focus on MLM the last five years, going from a business owner, layoffs and many corporate hours, if they heard of Network Marketing or MLM was here one company they think is better than others.  So the question still remains, What Is The Best MLM Company?  So let’s focus on how to pick the best MLM Company.  And this is exactly what I said at this impromptu lunch.

What Is The Best MLM Company?

There is no one best company!  I think that surprised them. The best MLM business is what you think that company represents in philosophy, competition, direction, and do you believe in the product.  Can you see yourself acting as a professional in that company.  Are you proud to represent that company and do you believe you can be successful?  If so then this is the Best MLM Company for you.

It may not be for me or for someone else, but for you that is the best.

Sue was amazed in my answer.  She thought I was going to “pitch” my company.  Sue then asked, “Which company do you belong to?”  I told them that this was my 4th MLM company.  My first three taught me to look as what I had mention before, direction, product…..etc

I did tell them but when on with the final way to pick The Best MLM Company.

Here’s How to Increase Your Chances of Success

Having the flashiest or newest product, compensation plan or even company is not the ways to increase your chances of success. The single biggest things you should look for in a network marketing company, are Training, mentorship and grooming. Those are the most valuable keys to deciding which network marketing company to join. Now, a false assumption is that when you join a top earner, they won’t have time for you but that is totally inaccurate. What a top earner, and quite frankly, no one, SHOULD have time to do is Cheer-Lead you everyday and call you to increase your internal motivation. That is not the job of a mentor in network marketing, you should come to the table motivated and willing to be coached and learn how to become a top earner yourself. Choosing the best MLM company for you has way more to do with what you are willing to do than what’s “hot at the moment”.


We ended lunch.  All four of my friends had a better understanding of MLM and how professional this business can really be.  It’s not for everyone, but for those who choose to become a Network Marketing Professional, in my opinion, there is nothing better.

Sue called me the next day and we once again had lunch.  She want to know more about MLM 128644849421vd58and my opportunity.  Sue did join me and is doing great.  One other friend called last week and found a company he liked, but was unsure of the training or coaching.  I told him, “If you like the company..go ahead and join.  I will help you with the training”.  He did and he is also going great.  I have not heard from the other two.


What is The Best MLM Company?  No one can answer that question except you.  The best MLM company is the one you are either doing or searching.  Just do your investigation.  If you like it do it.  Give it a chance to work and never quit.

Here’s the best to your success.

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PS:  Choose your Best MLM Company then go HERE to get the Coaching, Training and Business Building procedures that many MLM Companies lack.  Your company may be the Best MLM Company for you but may lack the training.  HERE is the training.  CLICK>>> HERE.

About The Author


Bill Fletcher is a marketing professional and Business Coach. My goal is to help anyone who is interested in building a home base business through a systematic approach to success. Planning-4-Success will guide you with the help of some of the best coaching program available anywhere. We train you with the best professional in all categories of business building and success management.