Blogging For Money Is Really Easy With Our Advice

Blogging For Money Is Really Easy With Our Advice

By Bill Fletcher

Use Social MediaTo Get Noticed

Marketing your services or products online is a great way to get your business known and essential in today’s business environment.  There are a number of free ways that you can make your business more visible.  This could include, Facebook Marketing, Twitter, Linkedin, Blogging, Article Marketing, YouTube and other social networking sites.  All these methods will increase your traffic, sales and your profit margin.

Blogging for money is really easy and can be very profitable if done right.   However, blogging will take time, usually 90 to 120 days of daily blogging to start “getting noticed”.  The biggest mistake I see many armature bloggers make is to start their blogging business, work at it for several months and then become disappointed in the lack of responses and income.

Blogging to make money is fun, easy and can be very profitable.  Here is where you need to go to become a good blogger and make money blogging.

Professional bloggers knows that it take months to start seeing any traffic to their blog.  Can blogging make you money?  The answer is…. YES!  To expand the YES… you need to know blogging basics and have something to offer.  Get both by watching this FREE VIDEO

Can I Make Money Blogging?

If blogging is fun, easy and profitable, the question then is, “can I make money blogging?”  The answer to this questionis a little more difficult to answer.

Question 2
Can I Make MoneyBlogging?

A lot of factors goes into “can I make money blogging?”  Things like: are you disciplined enough to blog daily?  What are your goals? Do you have an product that people want and need?  Are you knowledgeable with SEO?   If you are trying to make money as a home based business or Internet business, can you set up a blog, autoresponder, payment forms, and other necessary requirements?

The answer is more complex, but the good news is that this is already done for you if you are interested in making money with your blog.  Again, if you have not watched the FREE Video above…here it is again.

Market Your Blog

Once you have your blog set-up now what?  It’s important to advertise your blog.  Marketing your blog will bring you more views, more customers which means more money for you and your blogging business.  Free advertisement can be done by your blog, your products and/or services using a social media site like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and other social media programs.

Marketing is a process.  What may work today, may not be working tomorrow.  Look at the newspaper today.  Because of the Internet, many newspapers are struggling to stay alive.  The Yellow Book is going through the same issues.  Book stores are loosing to Amazon, Kindle and other media.  The point here is marketing is a process that you must learn and stay focused.

Another way to get noticed is by Guess Blogging or have someone guess blog on your site.

Weekly Schedule

In our busy lives you need to set-up a schedule.  If you are not good at Excel, get trained.  Excel is a great tool for devising a schedule.  Here‘s ideas on how to use Excel with your blog:

  • Set-up a Monday through Friday column
  • Set-up blog type heading on the next column:  Information blog, How to blog, sales blog, etc
  • Blog title heading column
  • Posted date heading column
  • Linked to heading column:  FaceBook, Twitter, Linkedin etc
  • Guess blogger Heading column
  • Keyword heading column

If you are serious about blogging this is a must tool to keep track of the success of your blog as well as what is working.

Who Is Your Customer?

mlm questions
Who Is Your Customer

One of most important things you must do is to define your customer, affiliate or distributor.  Without knowing who are seeking how will you know who to target?  The first step in your home business is this very important step

Create your customer Avatar.  What is the age?  Annual Salary?  Single or Married?  Blue or White Collar?  Generally Happy or Sad?  Hometown?  Urban or Rual?

Now that you have identified your customer you can now begin to market to them.

In my home office, I have 12 papers posted on my “idea Board” each with a different customer avatar.  This keeps me focused.

If you liked this article check out additional articles about Blogging on this site.  Check out this article:  “How To Start A Successful Home Based Blogging Business”

Thanks for listening,





PS:  Setting up a blog and operating a blog may be difficult for some people.  Here is a program where all that is done for you.  Simple become a a few personal set-ups and you’re in your very own business with a powerful blog.  Click here for a FREE video.

About The Author


Bill Fletcher is a marketing professional and Business Coach. My goal is to help anyone who is interested in building a home base business through a systematic approach to success. Planning-4-Success will guide you with the help of some of the best coaching program available anywhere. We train you with the best professional in all categories of business building and success management.