Talking but no one is listening
You made a great decision to join a Network Marketing Business but now your talking and no one is listening. Frustrating isn’t it. You just want to slap them around and “Listen To ME”
Been there, done that.
So what I did was to study people. For several months I went to the mall and just walked around watching people.
They looked in store windows, purchased a snack while walking around, went in some stores and mostly walked.
Why was this important?
I wanted to see how they reacted to store displays. How they interacted with friends. I tried to guess their personally and what they did for a living.
Over time I would even say hello to people walking by just to see if they responded. After awhile, I found it was easy to say hello or something like have a good day and watched their reactions. The more I did this the easier it became. I never tried to carry on a conversation since this was not the purpose of my watching.
This actually became comfortable. So after several weeks what I found…the best way to get comfortable talking to new people was to just do it.
The more people I said “hello” to and connect with, the more comfortable I start to feel with the idea of meeting people.
Since I’m a bit of an introvert, I had to get out of my comfort zone.
During conversations, I found out that If I didn’t know what to say, I let others do the talking. All I did was to ask a question or say something to spark a conversation.
I always make sure to smile, because looking happy and interested people tend to open up. Soon someone would ask me what I did for a living?
Now this is where a lot of Network Marketers make a big mistake. Many will will explode and ramble with all kind of facts about, the MLM Company, debt free, making money, how this an how that and for the next 10 minutes tell everything they know about their business opportunity.
All the person asked was “What Do You Do?” They’re not interested in your business or your business opportunity at this moment and all you managed to do was to bore them while they quickly walked away.
The question then is “what do I tell them when they ask?”
In this case you have to be “prepared.” Your preparation is a quick elevator speech that you have practice over and over again until it becomes natural.
My elevator speech is nothing more than 14 words. I don’t pitch, I don’t try to recruit, I don’t even try to invite them or make a presentation. My elevator speech of 14 words are easy for me to say and intends to get a reaction from the person asking. If the say something like, “That’s interesting” and nothing more, we just continue on as if they never asked.
I have found that at sometime they may come back with a comment like, “How do you do that?” Then that is my signal to tell them a little more. The key is “little more.”
I will let my person ask the question. After a short while, I may say something like, “It sound like you might me interested in knowing more?” “Hey, I don’t have time now but can I call or get together with you later?”
This way I show interest in their question while finding out if they are really serious in wanting to know more. It also allows me time to prepare and get their undivided attention.
Does this always work? NO!! But I was surprised to find out that when they did schedule time with me, they normally joined my business.
This leads me to 3 important concepts:
1) Be genuinely interested in others – People love it when others take a sincere interest in them. They also appreciate it when recruiters care about them as a whole person and not just an application to join the business opportunity. Find out what someone is passionate about, their wants, desires, issues and build a rapport around mutually-interesting subjects.
2) Build real relationships – In the age of Social Media there’s a tendency for some to rely too much on online outlets as a means of connecting. The fact is that connections are great but they are not relationships. Develop a “belly to belly” relationship as much as possible.
Relationships are cultivated over time through in-person contact, trust, and nurturing. Your contacts and team members are critical to your business success so make it part of your long-term career strategy. Convert your connections to friends and stay in touch with your contacts.
3) Practice the “Law of Reciprocity” – This is a proven principle which basically says when we do good things for others and put positive energy into the Universe with good intention, that
good eventually comes back to us. If you present yourself as someone who is honest and sincere who also takes the time to help others when they need it, without seeking anything in return, it inspires people and builds trust.
People often can’t resist the urge to return a favor and sometimes in much bigger ways than the original action. Take the time to offer suggestions & advice
It is true that People Do Business With People They Know, Like and Trust. People will also refer business to people they trust.
Building a true Network Marketing Business takes Time and Effort. You might have to repeat your elevator pitch several times over the course of a few months before the penny finally drops and someone you’re trying to sponsor finally says YES to your business opportunity.
To learn more about Network Marketing, suggestions, tips and advice look around within this BLOG and you will learn how to become a master in Network Marketing.
Secrets Of Attraction Marketing
Here’s to your success,
PS: If your involved in Network Marketing and having little success or struggling. Or your looking to find leads or need help on How To Get Leads For Your Network Marketing Business. What ever it is your looking for to build your business opportunity, I have the answer. It is called Attraction Marketing and it’s the Key to a successful Home Based Business. To start your Attraction Marketing adventure get a FREE 10-Day Bootcamp as my complement. Click the BANNER and enjoy your FREE 10-Day Bootcamp.